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"I always thought or rather believed, that I had tightly shut all the doors to my broken heart but Minha made me realise that they were still very much open!"- Hisham Hosseini.


The only constant in his life!

As much as he had literally been through an extreme, complete 360 degree whirling storm of change, the only thing that had kept Hisham greatly and deeply rooted through it all, were his prayers.

His very much sincere and very much deep, heartfelt prayers.

A tear.

A lone tear.

A lone tear heavily weighted with strong emotions slowly trickled down Hisham's face as he went down for Sujood after having completed his Salat Al Duha.

He remained on the ground for the longest time ever, more and more tears beginning to stream down his face as he softly whispered out the millions of his most darkest secrets while deep down wishing with all of his heart that he could just remain in Sujood forever.

The most gentlest of all knocks followed by the very much painfully slow opening of his bedroom door caused him to immediately though very much reluctantly sit and look up only for his entire heart to instantly and very much strongly clench, the very second his eyes met with hers.


A very much longing look immediately settled deep within his eyes as he very much sadly stared at her with his already broken heart breaking even more and more with every tiny little step she took towards him.

Those extremely beautiful dark hazel eyes.

That very much cute stubborn little chin.

The even cuter bunny like chubby cheeks.

Every single little thing about her loudly and continuously screamed only one and one thing to him...

She was not his!

She was Yasir's!

A fresh set of hot tears stained his eyes and he painfully looked away only for an indescribable amount of torment to further grip his aching heart when she called out to him...

"Amo Hisham?"

That name!

That name; Amo Hisham!

He just hated it!

He just really really hated it.

If only...

If only she could call him Baba.

He would give up his entire world just to hear that!

Even if it was just for a second!

Why would she call him that though?

Why would she call him Baba when...

"She was clearly not his but Yasir's! She could never EVER be his! No matter how badly he wanted her to be!"

His thoughts were cut short when she softly called out to him once again...

"Amo Hisham?"

", Minha?"


"Salam Habibty!"

Instantly, he very much tightly bit his lower lip hating how his tongue had slipped out with an endearment only for him to be completely thrown aback and for his entire body to literally freeze when Minha cutely cupped his face with her tiny little hand, kissed his cheek and while staring deep into his sadness filled eyes, she whispered...

HER BROKEN HUSBANDWhere stories live. Discover now