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"If only I could go back in time. I would do everything and anything possible for neither me nor Yasir to ever get married!"- Hisham Hosseini.



To say that immense fear instantly gripped literally each and every single little fibre of Khaleel's body would be quite the understatement, his eyes beginning to turn every darker shade of blue with literally each passing second as just but the mere thought of reliving through one of the most horrendous flashbacks from the past, zapped through his mind.

Greatly shuddering and in a very much desperate bid to prevent absolutely anything from getting out of line, he very much quickly said...

"If even just but an incy wincy bit of anything and I mean literally anything, happens unaccordingly, I swear I'll snitch to Khalo! Snitch and that too with some extra salt, cheese, pepper and onion rings! Just saying!"

Not getting even but the bat of an eyelid in response and with tension rising in the room to the point of Mount Everest, he very much desperately added...

"I have Khalo on speed dial! Just saying!"

That too only but seemed to fall upon deaf ears causing his fear to further and further escalate, making him waste absolutely no time in pretending to ring Hussein and the very second he very much loudly said "Hello, Asalam Aleikum, Khalo", both Yasir and Hisham very much immediately and very much loudly let go of breaths they themselves didn't know they had been holding and that too for so long.

A pin drop silence then engulfed the room for what felt like the longest time ever, causing Khaleel to be even more and more on edge with literally each and every passing second.

After what felt like nothing but eternity, Yasir was the very first one to break the silence...

"What exactly is your problem, Akhi?"

His question only but ended up being a catalyst for all that Hisham had bottled up inside to come pouring out and with that one very answer that was very much always at the very tip of his tongue, Hisham did not hesitate even in the slightest bit in replying with...


To say that Yasir's facial expression did not at all change after hearing his answer would be a complete and utter lie and while quickly shoving his hands into his trouser's pockets in a bid to hide his now balled up fists, Yasir even more quickly replied with...

"I absolutely do not want to have this conversation!"

With that, he then slowly began making his way out of the office only for him to stop dead in his tracks, the second Hisham said...

"Sure! Choose to just but walk away!"

A small yet very much emotionless laugh immediately escaped Yasir lips and while pinching the bridge of his nose for a second or two, almost as if contemplating as whether to answer or not; he finally answered with...

"I am not you Akhi!"

"Whatever do you mean by that?"

"I do not JUST do things, Akhi!"


"I do things very much with reason and currently I am very much choosing to walk out of here with good reason!"

"Your so called good reason being?"

"My good reason being that..."

"Being what, Yasir? Being what?"

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