~ six ~

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You and the two boys were on your way to the cafeteria, passing by the restroom.

"Hey guys, I need to go to the toilet. Can you wait for me?" You told Akaashi and Bokuto, walking towards the restroom. They nodded their head and start chatting among themselves.

Not long after, you finish doing what you need to do and walk out of the restroom. Your eyes met with 3 pairs of eyes.

'did they just multiply?' you thought chuckling to yourself

You look up to see Kuroo, he smiles at you and you returned it.

"Oh hey Y/N! glad you doing okay." Kuroo walks up to you and pats your head. You winced out of pain, Kuroo notices this and quickly stop and remove his hand from your head.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you!" He panicked, you lightly laugh.

"No no, that's okay, it hurt a little bit. It's fine." You said giving him a reassuring smile. Kuroo sigh, but still look at you concerned.

Bokuto is wondering how you guys know each other, while Akashi has a look of amusement on his face.

"So what are you guys up to now," Kuroo asked out of curiousness.

"Y/N is taking us to get ice cream, she said there might have it in the freezer." Bokuto beam with excitement, you and Akashi nodded.

"Shit, good luck with that," Kuroo said sarcastically.

"Why is that?" You narrowed your eyes at him.

"Well, I heard that they're restricted us from the freezer." He exclaimed. Your face dropped, so as Bokuto.

"What? No way!" Bokuto cried out. You know how he feels, you need to know why.

"Why?" You and Bokuto asked in unions.

"I don't know the details, but I know that they don't want us to lay a finger on it," Kuroo said shrugging, you and Bokuto are in sorrows. You can't believe this. "But," Kuroo interrupted, You and Bokuto look up at him. "Theirs no one around at night, so why don't we just sneak in and grabbed the tub of ice cream?" Kuroo suggested.

You and Bokuto's eyes lit up with sparkles as if some weird glittering rainbow rushes through your body.

"Are you sure that's a good idea? if we get caught, who knows what they'll do." Akaashi butted in, way to ruin a good mood. Though he got a good point.

"That's true." You said rethinking this all over again.

"Oh come on! I heard there's even cookie and cream ice cream and ice cream cake." Kuroo grinned, you can't think straight anymore, all you and Bokuto could think about right now are the desserts that are behind that refrigerator door.

"I'm in!" You said reaching your hand out.

"Same," Kuroo said reaching his hand out to put it on top of yours. You smile over at him and he returned with a smirk.

"Hell yeah!" Bokuto shouted in excitement and reach his hand out to put on top of your and Kuroo hands.

We all look over at Akaashi who is the only one who hasn't said anything yet.

"So Akashi, what's it gonna be?" You said smirking at him. Akaashi looks from face to face and it landed on you. He knew he can't say no, He sighs in defeat.

"Someone gotta keep an eye out," Akaashi said reaching his hand out.

"Okay, we're all doing this, no refunds." You said in a serious tone, they all nodded while chuckling.

"First off, how we even gonna get in?" Akaashi asks looking over at all of us, "The door of the cafeteria usually locks when past 8:30 pm." He added.

"Yeah, he got a point." You agreed with Akaashi, he nodded over at you, happy that you understand.

"There's no need to worry about that, I know where we can get in," Kuroo announced. You wait for him to continue.

"Oi, come on don't leave us in suspense," Bokuto remarked.

"There's a small window behind the cafeteria, but I think it would be too tight for us to get in. Unless we get someone small to go through instead." Kuroo looks over towards you, then it's Akashi. You look at them in confusion, then it hits you. You the smallest one out of the three.

"What? why are we looking at Y/N?" Bokuto asked looking confuse.

"Yeah okay I can do that, just climb in through the window to retrieve the ice cream, then climb back out. Simple enough." You state giving them a thumbs up.

"Yes, meet me at the back of the cafeteria at 9:30 pm. Got it?" Kuroo looks at us making sure we understood.

"Wear black, so we don't get caught," Akaashi spoke, we nodded. He takes out his phone to look at the time "We should go to the cafeteria now, I think lunch starting soon." Akaashi added. We all started walking towards the cafeteria.

"Guys this is so exciting I can't wait." You cheered, putting your hand up in the air.

"Same Y/N, I can't wait either!" Bokuto grin from ear to ear, Akaashi nodded

"This is gonna be the best," Kuroo said smiling widely, you smiled at him as well.

'I hope it goes well,' you thought to yourself

hope you enjoy it!

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