~ seven ~

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You were laying down in your comfortable futon for a while, waiting for the right moment. You reached over towards your phone to check the time, it's looked to be 9:20 pm.

You turn off your phone. After a couple of minutes, you start lifting yourself up, nice and slow so you don't wake up the girls.

You grabbed your black hoodies and quietly tiptoes towards the door. Not a moment later you heard one of the girls stir, you whipped your head around, starting to panic. Until you see her turning to the other side. You let out your breath that you didn't know you were holding.

'That was too close,' you thought.

You slowly but carefully slide open the door, stepping out, and slide it close. You started walking towards where the back of the cafeteria is, about to pass the restroom.

Until suddenly out of nowhere a man figure walk out of the guy restroom, scaring you to death. You were about to let out a scream before you realize who it was.

"Oikawa!" You quietly shouted, catching your breath.

"Oh hey! Y/N right?" He said with a smirk on his face. You nodded your head.

"Okay cool, where are you heading off to?" Oikawa ask. Your starting to get nervous, your palms are sweating.

"I just wanted to go outside and uh," You needed to come up with an excuse, then something pop up in your head. "Fresh air, yeah I need to get some fresh air." You finally said it letting out a little sigh. This is the first time you stuttered while trying to make up a lied.

"Uh-huh, At this hour?" He lifts one of his hand eyebrows and smirk.

'I swear to god, imma slap that smirks right out of his face,' you thought.

"Well what about you, Oikawa. What are you doing at this hour?" You said emphasizing you, with your hands on your hips.

He let out a laugh, before leaning down towards you. "Can't you see, I needed to pee." He said making eye contacts with another one of his annoying smirks and pointed his finger to the boy restroom. His face is so close to you, about 5 centimetres apart. No longer then 3 second you broke the intense eye contacts and look away.

"You know what, I don't care. I'll see you later, actually scratch that. I hope to see you never, bye." You felt your face heat up and quickly walk past him.

"What a weird girl," Oikawa mumble to himself, chuckling. Still watching you annoyingly walking away from him, he thought it was adorable.

You heard him chuckling, and started to walk faster.

'Oikawa, you jerk!' You thought, as you walk away as fast as you can.


"Where is she?" Bokuto asks as he saw Kuroo waiting at the window without Y/N.

"I haven't seen her since I got here," Kuroo replied, with a bit of a worried look.

"What if she got caught?!" Bokuto starting to panic. Akaashi sigh, he can never catch a brake.

"Guys calm down, we just got here. I think she's on her way here right now." Akaashi calmly said, though in his head he was a little worried.

Back to Y/N~

You slowly jogged towards the back, seeing three dark figures, waiting at the window. You wave towards them, they didn't wave back, you assume that they couldn't see you. Your lip turn into a mischievous smirk, seeing as they couldn't see you, an idea pop into your head.

You quietly tip toe towards them, both Kuroo and Bokuto have their back turn to you. Akaashi saw you, but you quickly bring your index finger towards your lip, signaling for him to be quiet. He nodded agreeing, with a small grin.

You are now right behind them. "BOO!" You quietly shouted near both of their ears, making both of them jump. Bokuto fell onto his knee, while Kuroo trip over his own feet trying to run away. You try to hold in your laugh, but you just burst out laughing, clenching your stomach. Akaashi was grinning, amused by the incident.

"What the hell Y/N?!" Kuroo quietly shouted, making you laugh even more. "You know about this?" Kuroo asks looking over at Akaashi with furrowed eyebrows.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Akaashi looks away innocently, trying to help Bokuto up. He was still smiling though.

"You almost gave me a heart attack! I could've died!" Bokuto said dramatically, clenching his chest.

"But you didn't." You gave him a smug look, "Anyway, we are all here now, so let's get this show on the road!" You said cracking your neck and knuckles.


hope you enjoy it!

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