Refusing Reality

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"W-Wait! You don't wanna kill me!" A monster-like creature backs itself into a wall, as a figure's shadow covered it's last look at light. "I-I can give you very valuable information! Y-Youre an Exorcist, right??"

"You wish I was, don't you?" Her shadowed face reveals a chilling, sadistic smile. "Sorry. But I don't associate myself with those monsters. I kill fuckers like you out of my own free will." They shrug. "And boredom." They raise their arm, it glowing and turning into a long silver sword. They point the blade directly between their eyes. "Oh. If and when you other assholes ever see the Millennium Earl again-" they raise a pair of bright, cold emerald green eyes up to the other monsters watching in horror, "-tell him the Anarchist is coming for him next." The monster let's out a shrill scream, black blood staining the walls and floor. Then, silence.

The Anarchist's blade turns back into an arm, as they swiftly flick blood off their skin. They sigh, sticking their hands in their pockets. "Damn. I made it too quick. Hehe~" they giggle to themselves. "Oh well~"

"So, I called you all in here for another recruitment mission." Komui leans on the front of his desk, usual cup of coffee in his hands. "But this might be a little more difficult than usual."

“Difficult?” Krory tilts his head.

“Most missions you give us are always difficult.” Lavi says in a sarcastic tone, looking at the ground shaking his head with his back against the wall with his arms crossed. Allen look at Lavi with a ‘true’ face as he felt the same. “Explain a bit more by ‘difficult’ Komui…”  Allen stares at him with a ‘please make more sense’ look.

Komui nods. "There's been someone with Innocence going around southern Japan, killing our men and Akuma."

"Killing our men out of spite?" Leenalee asks, a hint of worry to her voice.

"Correct. They've been calling themselves 'The Anarchist.' There's no valid description of them." Komui sighs. "So you'll have to track them down."

“Interesting… does this happen often?” Krory said curiously.

“Huh? What makes you think that killing people ‘happens often’. I know you were in that castle for a long time but come on Krory.” Lavi said to Krory face palming.

“Oh wait! Maybe their like me and don’t know that they're killing humans?” Krory said with a shine in his eyes like he thought he figured it out.

"Afraid not." He stirrs his coffee. "They know they're human."

"Are you sure we really want someone like that in the Order?" Leenalee asks.

"I'm afraid we have no other choice." He replies. "There's a train waiting for you at the station."

They leave Komui’s office and head to the underground river to head to the train station. As they ride the train to their destination Allen grows concerned for this mission.

“Hey guys… Don’t you think that this is might be a bit tougher than usual?” Allen asks the group and they nod agreeing.

“What I’m thinking is… Why is this person killing our men if they are an accommodator? And why would Komui want someone like that on our side?” Lavi concerned himself with.

“Well… I’m not sure guess we’ll just have to find out.” Allen nervously smiled as sweat formed on his cheek.

Leenalee sighs. "I'm really worried guys. We now have to worry about Akuma, AND a new recruit trying to kill us. And we don't know their name, face, background, OR what type they are."

The Anarchist with InnocenceWhere stories live. Discover now