Exorcists Have Human Feelings

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Kuroha stared down the man and child holding Eli captive. She began to smile, her sadistic side kicking in its full and terrifying way. Her actions- her stature, her facial expressions.. Even her breathing. It didn't seem human what-so-ever. And yet there she was, two blades for arms, eyes blood red and shaking with unnatural insanity. "Put Eli down. Or I'll have to kill you like I did those other pathetic humans."

Kai came in from behind through his portal, he runs towards Ryko and picks her up. “S—t S—t S—t..!” Ryko goes limp. “F—k no please don’t be too late..! Where is it..!?” Kai panics.

“What’s happening..!?” Allen ran over to Kai.

“What did he do to her do you know human?!”

Allen flinched “I think he shot her..”

Kai looked like a ghost. “It was a poison bullet! All he needed to do was shoot in one spot and it spreads like a curse..!” Kai looks all around her body to see the poison then lastly, her heart. “Damnit..! It’s already spreading to her heart!”

"Shirubāhīrā!! Heal her!!" Komui orders. A girl with long blue hair and light blue eyes rushes over to Ryko. Her hair floods into a bright silver color, as she presses on Ryko's chest, removing the poison from her body with one hand, and collecting the poison into a ball in her other hand.

Meanwhile, Kuroha rushes the man, moving behind him and kicking the back of his knees

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Meanwhile, Kuroha rushes the man, moving behind him and kicking the back of his knees.

“You f—ing morons you can’t get rid of it just like! It just comes back!” Kai said.

“Oh so you noticed.”

“That voice…” Kai turned around to see a man just as tall as him behind Kuroha. “Human get outta there! NOW!” Kai yelled at Kuroha.

Kuroha drops her stature for a moment. "What? What are you taking about?!"

“Oh for f—ks sake!” Kai ran to Kuroha but the other demon had grabbed her by the stomach holding her like a doll, Kai stopped in his tracks.

Kuroha thrashes. "LET ME GO!!"

Shirubāhīrā keeps working on Ryko, chanting something, controlling the poison and completely removing it from her body. "I should be able to dispelling it from coming back and hurting her... But not for very long."

“It’s a demon poison you humans. The only ones that can completely remove it is demons. So Kai, that’s your daughter? Just as much of an abomination as I thought.” The man said.

“Shut your mouth Aizen!” Kai shouted at him.

Aizen smirked Smugly “You really let yourself go you know.”

Shirubahira looks to Kai. "Whoever said I was completely human?"

“Hey I’m just trying to finish the job that I didn’t before.” Aizen smiled and Kai stared. “Oh I can remember like it was yesterday~ I was wondering why that runt looks so familiar, I tried to end her at that little market that the humans did, But that bright blue haired vixen defended her. What a pain.” Aizen rolled his eyes and Kai was speechless.

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