His Name Was Kiro

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"What? What do you mean there's someone here to see me?" Kuroha looks confused.

Komui catches his breath. "He-he says he's related to you..."

Kuroha pales. "D...Describe him..."

"Brown hair, green eyes... Pretty tall..." Komui pants.

Kuroha jumps out of bed and rushes towards the front doors of the Order. Allen and Lavi run after her calling her name that she doesnt seem to hear. Kuroha almost misses the last step, then comes to a sudden halt. She stands there, in complete shock. "It... It's you..." She breathes.

The boy, matching Komui's description, turn to Kuroha with a wide smile. "Sis..."

Kuroha slowly walks towards the boy. "K..Kiro?"

Kiro smiles, rushing to her with open arms. "Kuroha!!!"

Kuroha raises her arm, punching him in the face, causing him to collide with the ground. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL THIS TIME!?" She yells angrily.

"Kuroha?" Allen inquired.

Kuroha breathes. "Allen, this is my idiot of a brother, Kiro."

Kiro sits up, rubbing the back of his head. "Hey, I'm not an idiot!!"

"Since when did you have a brother? I thought your family was dead?" Lavi asked.

"Yeah. I thought the same thing." Kuroha growls.

"So is this Kiro gonna explain or what.." Lavi said.

Kiro sits on his knees. "Our father sent me away to do some research on why Kuroha grew up so violent. We had both suspected she had some mystic ability, and if she ended up here, it looks like we were correct."

"Well shes not the only interesting one here..." Lavi sweats with nervous laughter.

"Ohh my adorable Kuroha!!" Kiro gets up and Kuroha into a tight hug. Kiro was fairly tall, but then again, Kuroha was short. "I never thought I'd see you again!!"

Kuroha gives a muffled grumble. "Yeah... whatever."

"A-Ah be careful shes not well!" Allen put out his hands out of concern.

"What? My Kuroha not feeling well? That's absurd, she never gets sick." Kiro swings her around dramatically.

"Weeeelll she was sorta poisoned.." Lavi said.

Kiro laughs nervously. "Did she accidently poison herself with her cooking again?" This earned a louder, annoyed growl for Kuroha.

"No someone poisoned her food.." Allen said noticing Kurohas irritation.

Kiro finally let's go of Kuroha. "And she HASN'T tried to kill them yet?"

"I've been too weak to try and finally kill her." Kuroha frowns.

"Actually you tried to get Ryko to do it." Lavi said with a blank face.

"Lavi." She says darkly. Lavi just giggled as Allen put his hand on Kurohas head.

"So, what are your names?" Kiro asks.

"I'm Allen and hes Lavi." Allen says introducing him and Lavi.

"Theres a couple more people—" Lavi gets cut off.

"Mrooooow!!" Patches loudly meowed at Kuroha.

"Uh oh Kuroha looks like youve been found out.." Lavi said.

Kuroha smiles, picking up the cat. "Hello Patches. Are Ryko and Eli okay?" Patches stayed silent.

"Uh oh.. thats not good.. We should head back anyway, Elis not gonna be happy that youre oout" Lavi said.

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