King of pop

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Blaze:okay before we start I'm bringing in two more people

Blaze snaps his fingers and appears your parents

D/n:where are we

M/n:what's going on

Blaze:calm down I've brought you here my name blaze and I'm showing you the multiverse of your son y/n

D/n:there's a multiverse of our son


M/n:but why the students union academy are here ?

Blaze:well there here because it's there punishment

D/n:punishment for what ?

Blaze:for bullying your son because he has no powers


Blaze:and the teachers don't do nothing about it

Your dad look at the teachers and principals with anger

D/n:you people supposed to protect my son from that kind of situation what is wrong with you people I should sue your ass and get y'all fired

Ozpin:mr d/n there's no need for that

D/n:you ignore my son pain for enjoyment you let other students hurt him for what something he wants to be a true hero a better hero you so called hero's and your students are nothing more then psychopathic murders If I had enough evidence I would have you teacher's and principals fired and your students that hurt my son in prison or executed


D/n:what's this ?

Blaze:it's a hard drive from all the beating he gets from the union students

D/n:thank you

M/n:my baby boy

The teachers and principals just have there heads down in disappointment

Blaze:okay now with that out of the way let's start the first multiverse




King of pop

Blaze:yes this one is amazing

Izuku:what's this on about

Blaze:well in this one Yn was forced to be in union academy even though he didn't want to be in it you union students still bully him but he escapes the academy to become a singer and dancer that's why he's called the king of pop

M/n:my poor baby boy

Issie:I bet he's not that good

Blaze:he's super rich and can get a women panties wet just by listening to his music and he has a harem and he won a lot of music awards and he pays for hospitals and charity's and orphanages some people say he's an actual hero better than you guys

Issie:he has a harem who's in it

Blaze:let see on the list

Blaze looks on his list


Juvia:why would juvia be with that creep juvia has her gray

Blaze:well because gray cheated on you in this universe you caught him having sex with another girl and he said that she better than you so Yn comfort you even though you bullied him he was there for you

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