Ghost rider

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Blaze:okay in this one Yn is The ghost rider the sport of vengeance

Sirzechs/Micheal:the ghost rider!!!!!

Rias:who's the ghost rider ?

Micheal:he was once a angel

Sirzechs:but he was drag down to hell and is a servant to the original devil Lucifer and who ever possessed the power of the ghost rider it's there duty to take out people who sinned to others

Blaze:exactly in this one Yn was bullied by you union students and ignored teachers when your student were bullying him he was the brink of death till Lucifer told him that he can give him the power to have vengeance Yn accept the deal giving Yn the ghost rider power

Sirzechs:what did Lucifer take from Yn to make the deal

Blaze:he's soul obviously

Ruby:who did he take out

Blaze:he killed Jacques,Adam,cinder,ironwood,issie,azazel,mineta,

Jaune:wow that's a kill count

Blaze:he's getting his last one

Weiss:who is it ?


Phyrra:what he going to do to get himself killed

Blaze:sexually assault and kill velvet

Coco:what no not bun bun

Coco hugs velvet to comfort her

Velvet starts crying while hugging coco

Ruby:she to innocent

Blaze:don't worry Yn going to safe her let's begin

(Yn starts driving his motorcycle at night and his motorcycle takes him to an abandoned building then the Yn motorcycle stops making fall on the ground

Yn gets and his body starts getting painful and his hands start smoking then Yn shows start going on fire Yn skin on his face start burning off then Yn start lashing out and laughing like crazy then it all stop and that was Yn skull on fire )

Yn gets and his body starts getting painful and his hands start smoking then Yn shows start going on fire Yn skin on his face start burning off then Yn start lashing out and laughing like crazy then it all stop and that was Yn skull on fire )

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