Yn being bullied

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Blaze:before I show this how about I bring more people here to watch Yn multiverse as well

Blaze snaps his fingers as more people arrived

Clover:where are we

Sam:some sort of theater

Alex:must be important if we were teleport here

Jerry:it looks like a nice theater to go to

Stark:why are we in a theater

Steve:don't know be ready for anything

Banner:we were brought here for a reason

Natasha:for what exactly

Kevin:I don't like this one bit

Ben:it's a theater what's to be scared of

Gwen:we don't know for sure

Ahsoka:master where are we

Anakin:don't know some theater

Obi wan:must stay on guard

Shaggy:cool we teleported to a theater like hopefully there's some snacks

Scooby:yeah snacks

Daphne:but why are we here

Velma:something important that we were teleported here

Fred:it's a mystery to us

Batman:why did we teleport to a theater

Wonder Woman:don't know but gotta be important

Superman:maybe he knows

As they look at blaze

Blaze:I don't mean you no harm I brought all of you here to watch multiple versions of Yn

As there are shocks

Sam:so there's different vets of boyfriend

Blaze:yes but see them

Blaze points to union

Blaze:before I brought you people here they were watching there Yn but they bullied and hurt there Yn the teachers didn't help Yn while he was beat up by there students you wanna know why because in there world they have different abilities and and they become heroes and

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