Yn family

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Blaze:alrighty in this universe yn actually left union tired of the bullying so left but he does get his revenge

Ozpin:how does get his revenge

Blaze:he recorded all the bullying your students been doing to him and your teachers didn't help so after sending those recordings on the web and bews reports union got shut down temporarily till new headmasters and teachers were hired while the teachers and students were arrested and some were killed in prison and it's a long list for how many of your teachers and students that were killed

F/n:what about me and my wife ?

Blaze:when you say the recordings of your son being bullied both of you sued union as they paid both of you enough money for an apology they can make both of you and your son set for life don't have to worry about bills and a restraining order that the bullies that hurt you son can't go near him

M/n:wow I'm proud of my son

F/n:me too we raised a good kid

Sirzechs:where's Yn in this

Blaze:ah yes after the temporary fall of union Yn found a woman that loved him for who he is so Yn and his lover got married and had kids of his own


M/n screams in happiness

Juvia:who he with ?

Blaze:just have to wait and see

(Yn in his bed along with his wife Yn in his mid twenties Yn hair long and his left eye is different from his right because of one of his bullies cardin took his left eye and Yn had to get surgery for a new eye his original eye color was e/c and now it's dark green

Yn is buff but not that much just enough to make ladies jealous that they won't get a piece of Yn also Yn has a chin curtain beard

Yn here's his wife get up

???:Morning dear

Yn:morning honey bunny

Yn wife revealed to be

Yn wife revealed to be

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Meiko L/n

She took your last name

Yn:how was your sleep

Meiko:wonderful you being the big spoon you think the kids are awake

There bedroom door opens as Yn and Meiko see there kids climbing up the bed


The kids hug Yn and Meiko

The kids reveal to be

The kids reveal to be

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