Majin yn final atonment

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(Author:okay I made a decision on this one and made Yn stay human just with majin boost and making majin buu die with Yn he do have regeneration but It's not strong enough for majin buu to survive)

Blaze:okay in this universe Yn went to union academy even thought he was powerless you union students bullied him and the teachers neglected him one day Yn and his bullies were sent on a mission but it wasn't a mission ozpin planed to get Yn killed by Grimm make everyone think he was killed by Grimm But union students killed him

The villains look at union students with anger

Salem:really ozma you really hate this Yn so much to do a fake mission just to kill him disgraceful just disgraceful

Afo:you union students are nothing but bullies and killers

Zeref:we maybe evil but we have standards

Blaze:yes there nothing but bitches

Yang:it's not our fault that he's weak if he had power he wouldn't be in that mess

Blaze:oh okay

Blaze snaps his fingers

Yang looks worried

Yang:what did you do

Blaze:I took a way your aura and semblance and gave it to Yn so know how it fells to be powerless

Yang:please no give it back I'll stop hurting Yn just give it back

Blaze:I would but you keep disrespecting Yn so like ruby said until you change your ways on Yn your not getting your semblance or aura back

Yang starts tearing up

Blaze:that's what you get for being a prick

M/n:mr blaze can we continue the universe please

Blaze:yes I'm sorry about that as I was saying after Yn students left Yn body a wizard name babide revived him and gave him the majin boost to make Yn stronger till Yn figure out his plans to revive a powerful creature name majin buu but Yn was too late buu was already revived so Yn had to stop them but Yn and buu and there was one way to stop buu

Ruby:what was it

Blaze:to sacrifice himself to get rid of buu

Weiss:who was he with before he sacrificed himself

Blaze:let's see

Blaze looks at his list

Blaze:he was with winter,ryuko,ruby

Winter,ryuko,ruby blushed

Blaze:let's get started


Yn stands there waiting waiting for majin buu

Yn:okay I killed babide easy but buu might be difficult to kill but there is one way to kill him and I don't think the girls aren't going to be happy what I did well if that's how I can kill buu then so be it

Yn sees buu arrive

Majin buu:you big meanie you hurt buu now buu want you dead

Yn snickers

Yn:I think I finally understand now for what I have in store for you if I'm going down I'm taking you with me come on let's go

Yn raises his right arm and powers up

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