Demon slayer yn

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Blaze:okay in this world Yn was a student of union academy after union figures out that he has no powers so they bullied him and his girlfriend cheated on him

Phyrra:who was his girlfriend ?

Blaze:Lucy heartfilia she cheated on him with natsu so after Yn saw her and natsu have sex as Lucy was saying bad things about Yn so he left union as he was on his way home till his was taken by a wormhole and arrived to a world called the demon slayers

Ozpin:demon slayers

Blaze:basically specific samurai swordsman and swordswoman fight demon who hunger on humans and can turn them into demons so the demon slayer Corp are the only ones that can destroy demons with the specific swords that can hurt the demons let's watch the universe


When Akaza was about to punch rengoku in the gut to kill him someone comes in and punch akaza

When Akaza was about to punch rengoku in the gut to kill him someone comes in and punch akaza

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Making akaza slide back it reveals to be Yn that punched akaza

Yn:rengoku you okay

Rengoku:yeah just scratch up and blinded a little bit but I'm fine

Yn:rest my friend and go to tanjiro and he's friends I'll handle this demon

Rengoku:carful my friend he's a third rank demon so we don't know what he has in store

Yn:your right but I'll make sure he doesn't use his full power go now

Rengoku:come back to us specifically to your wife

Yn:I'll come back and I'll be with my wife when this over

Rengoku:good luck

Rengoku leaves to go back to tanjiro and his friends

Yn stares at akaza

Akaza:I can sense your strong even close to me but to bad you have to die but don't worry I'll bring your head to my master

Yn:your not killing me your life will end then there will be another demon off the rank

Yn brings out his sword

Yn brings out his sword

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