Pokemon Championship battle yn Vs bakugo

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Blaze:okay in this universe there's no powers

Ozpin:no powers then what do we use to fight

Blaze:creatures known as Pokémon


Blaze:yes Pokémon creatures that are cute,strong different abilities and different types that are some that are myth and legendary

D/n :when does Yn come into this

Blaze:yes well he's trainer to become the strongest Pokémon trainer before you enter Pokémon league you must need eight badges to get to the Pokémon league from the gym leaders and now he in the finals and he's facing his one of rivals bakugo

Bakugo:he's going to lose

Blaze:we don't know till we watch

(Yn and bakugo enter the arena

(Yn and bakugo enter the arena

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Bakugo:you ready to lose loser

Yn:Me and my Pokémon are more stronger then our last battle it will be you that lose

Referee:this final battle in the Pokémon league will be a six vs six Pokémon battle who ever wins will be champion of the Pokémon league now let the battle begin

Bakugo:argon let's go

Agron appears on the arena

Yn:magmortar stand by for battle

Magmortar appears in the arena

Magmortar appears in the arena

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Bakugo:agron use flash cannon

Agron fires his flash cannon at magmortar

Yn:magmortar block it with fire blast

Magmortar fires his fires blast blocking agron flash cannon

Yn:Magmortar used smog

Magmortar fires out purple smoke and it affects agron making agron poisoned

Bakugo:why you little

Yn:besides getting angry you should focus on the battle magmortar use sunny day

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