Battle brawler yn

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Blaze:okay in this world all of you are normal humans and there are no powers

Ozpin: but why

Blaze:because of a specific game that was brought to your world called Bakugan

F/n:what are these Bakugan

Blaze:they are creatures that are in ball form but when there thrown they transformed into tall creatures that a specific element they use like fire,water,wind,earth,light,dark and they help you win the game but some people want to use Bakugan for there evil purpose

M/n:where is my son in this

Blaze:because he with group called the Bakugan battle brawlers and they stop evil that tries to take over or destroy the world so we're going to watch him brawl against one of group called the vexos that want to turn Bakugan into mechanical Bakugan basically remodeling there flesh body with machine

Ruby:thats awful

Momo:who would do that to a living creature

Sirzechs:they must be stopped

Blaze:you see now let's watch

(Mylene MAC Bakugan macubas abilities)



Yn:I know your a good person Mylene we don't have to do this you can join us and stop king zenoheld for destroying not only Bakugan but humans as well.

Mylene:I know but if I'm joining I'll do it my way if I win this brawl then I don't join and I'll be on my own but if you win I'll join you and the brawlers also we be together again Sounds far ?

Yn:fine deal

Yn and mylene but on there gauntlets

Yn and mylene but on there gauntlets

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(Yn gauntlet is white and gold

Yn/mylene:gautlet power strike

Mylene:gate card set

Mylene gate card set on the field

Mylene:Bakugan brawler

Mylene throws her Bakugan

Mylene:Bakugan stand rush aquas macubas

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