Yn villan therapist

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Blaze:okay in this universe Yn is a villain therapist

Ozpin:why a villain therapist

Blaze:to solve the villain problem

F/n:what's his origin

Blaze:well Yn saw that the villains weren't born to be evil they were made to be evil so Yn wanted to find a way to make them stop being evil

Rias:so he never went to union

Blaze:no because he already figured you guys out that y'all care about fame and money so in a way he's stopping y'all from getting to fight villains and money because without no villains to fight y'all get no money

(Yn was in room with Salem the queen of Grimm

Yn:so Salem we're he to talk about your problem with ozpin And you have a grudge against him why

Salem:it's a long story

Salem starts explain her story

Salem:and that's my story

Yn:sorry you went through that just to bring back your ex lover your immortal and every time he dies he just goes to another person body and wait till it's his own body If you wanted to be with him why didn't you wait till you were old and pass away or any less harmful way to die

Salem widen her thinking why didn't she think of that

Salem:I could've been with him this whole time and I didn't think of that

Yn:and since your immortal I don't know if there's any way for you to pass away Salem it's time to let go of the past it's not going to come back you lost your daughters and I'm sorry for that I really am did you think that's the gods are telling you to let go of your past and move forward in your life

Salem:I didn't think of it that way i could've been with him in the beginning or moved on but I was so stuck in past I forgot it's not there anymore

Salem puts her hands on Yn cheeks and kisses him

Salem:thank you for helping me all the Grimm will return and no longer harm the people again

Yn:no problem

Salem leaves and the next appointment was tomura

Yn:so your one of the league of villains members

Tomura:yes I was told you help villans

Yn:yes making them stop be villains


Yn:because I believe they can change they weren't born to be villains they were made so what's your back story

Tomura starts explaining his origin

Yn:sorry that happened to you tomura I believe you would be a good hero in the past and trained your quirk you destroyed buildings that were on top of people or Under people also semi paralyzed villains with your quirk you had a good family except with the father he hated Hero's for a reason and hurting you wasn't right if my kids were going to be hero's I accepted there decision tomura in a different reality or universe you Would've been a great hero

Tomura tears up

Tomura:you the only few people think I could be a hero

Yn:yes I know you had a awful past you wanted to be hero so badly you have blood on your hands and it will be best to redeem yourself

Tomura:like how

Yn:turn yourself in and reveal everything you have that is evidence to the police and...heroes

Tomura:okay I will Thank you dr l/n

Yn:no problem tomura if you want to talk to me about anything else I'll be here

Tomura leaves and the last appointment was dabi

Yn:hello there dabi


Yn:now my friend what's your problem

Dabi:endeavor he ruined my family

Yn:tell me how he ruined it

Dabi:when I got my quirk me and him train but he was never impressed with my results and hurts my family in the process specially my mother rei and little brother Shoto even with the training I increased it still wasn't enough and when I realized that he didn't care about his family he only cared about defeating all might that's I ran away and fake my death now I became a villain here I am now

Yn:I see if you did fight endeavor what are you going to do

Dabi:kill him of course

Yn:killing him won't do anything because it won't bring satisfaction to your desire if you want him to suffer expose him for what he's done and go back to your family and find your peace knowing he's not going to harm your family ever again and quit being a villain

Dabi:your right killing him will be to easy exposing him will be more painful and I would like not to be a villain anymore and be with my family

Dabi gives yn a handshake

Dabi:just a few secrets between you and me my real name is touya todoroki and some of the female villains are attracted to you so better get a pack of condoms your going to be busy in the bed

Yn:noted and thank you for revealing your name to me touya todoroki

Dabi leaves the room

Yn looks at his wall and see pictures of the villains he fixed

Picture of emerald making her sweet desserts along with her girlfriend in there bakery

Picture of toga as a nurse treating people

Picture of zeref and his brother natsu hanging out along with his wife mavis

Picture of ragyo having a mother and daughter day fun shopping,eating,getting there nails done

Picture of Mercury in a dojo training women to defend themselves

Picture of afo but his face is returned to normal and having dinner with his family Inko and izuku smiling that there family is back to normal)

Blaze:show how was it

The villains are shocked that there counter parts are rehabilitation into normal people



They both stay silent

Blaze:why don't we take a break

(Next universe Yn predator)

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