Yn black (goku black)

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Blaze:okay so in this universe Yn is himself and not himself

Rias:what you mean

Blaze:well you guys know reincarnation right


Blaze:well before he was Yn he was a different person he was a person name goku black and he was more than a villain

Salem:what he do ?

Blaze:he wiped out the whole human race


Asia:there's no way he did that

Blaze:he did he had enough power to destroy the planet if he wanted to he wanted to bring back the planet earth to it formal glory before humans corrupted it from his perspective humans were nothing but vermin but he didn't succeed because he was killed by the warriors from that timeline or universe

All might:so there were no hero's like us to face him

Blaze:they were but they got there ass kicked a few times before they  got  stronger and killed him but they didn't have a quirk,magic,sacred gears,life fibers they weren't human they were sayians and they used ki


Blaze:it's life energy that the sayians used to fight besides martial arts

Yang:ki it sounds like it's the same as aura

Blaze:in a way yes but it's more stronger and denser with enough training the way the sayians train you can destroy planets just with your hands

Ironwood:and the sayians ?

Blaze:there were aliens who were best for fighting each other or fighting opponents who are stronger then them the more they fight more powerful they become they also have a money tail on the bottom of there backs if they look at a full moon they turn into giant great apes that destroy anything in there path if they didn't have enough training but if they did enough training in the great ape form they can control it.


Blaze:there's also there ability to get more stronger called the zenkai boost

Izuku:zenkai boost ?

Blaze:yes you see if a sayian was at near death but they get healed and survive they become stronger we're they originally were that's why they fight people who are powerful they fight them to get the zenkai boost and become stronger then there opponents


Blaze:there is also there transformation

Weiss:I thought the great ape was there only transformation

Blaze:no there's more then that it's called super sayian

Erza:super sayian ?

Blaze:it's a emotional trigger for sayians let's say your friend was killed right in front of you and then you snap turning your hair into pure gold making you a super sayian

Bakugou:what's so special about that stupid transformation

Blaze:the super sayian transformation can give you a fifty times multiplier in both speed and strength

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