Chapter 15

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  The next morning we all gathered into the living room to discuss the future attack.  Everyone had agreed that they would stand beside us and fight if they needed to. A message had been sent to Vladimir and Stephen. There was no doubt that they would come ready to fight. They had been waiting for this opportunity and had been disappointed when nothing had come of the last meeting with the volturi. At the very moment they were discussing whether Renesmee and I were allowed to fight.

 " I will not let my daughters be a part of this." My mother was adamant on the subject. She and most of our close family were against us being apart of whatever battle that was going to take place. I wanted to fight. This was my family too. I wasn't going to sit idly by while the people I loved were losing there lives for me.

" I think they should. I've seen Masens powers in action and there on the road to surpassing even mine. If we trained hard enough who knows what she could accomplish." Benjamin was on my side and I smiled at him greatly for his support.

" What about you? Couldn't you do the same?" Jasper asked. He wasn't thinking with the military mind we all knew he had. He was thinking too much about protecting his nieces. It was clouding his judgement; It was clouding everyone's judgement.

 " My powers are already fully developed. Masens are still growing. And even if my powers could mature Isn't true that two are better than one?" His words left everybody silent for a moment.  He made a point that nobody could ignore.

 " What about Renesmee? Her power isn't one that could be useful in battle."  Jacob pointed out. He was strongly against Renesmee being anywhere near the battle. He wanted her in another country if possible.

 " I propose that we watch them train. If their skills are well enough that we believe they could be useful in battle we'll let them and if not we'll hide them." Once again Carlisle was the voice of reason. Everyone grudgingly agreed and moved onto a different topic.

 " We must inform the wolves." Jasper said sparking everyones attention once again.

 " Sam wants to stay out of this fight." Jacob told us. This information stunned us all. The wolves didn't want a chance at killing some vamps?

" Then we persuade them." Garrett put in as if it were an easy task. It wouldn't be. They could be very stubborn and it would take some convincing on our part.

 " Who should we send?"

" Jacob of course and jasper maybe. His power would be useful." Dad answered swiftly.

"  I think Masen should also go." Alistar spoke up unexpectedly.  He had sat through the whole conversation quietly until now. Why would he want me to go? What help would I be? The wolves hated me. If anything seeing me would remind them of how much they didn't want to fight on the same side as me. My father also didn't seem fond of the idea.

 " Why would Masen go?" Dad asked barely containing his anger at the suggestion.

 " Well i've had enough conversations with the girl to know that she can be very persuasive. Plus from what I have heard the leaders nephew happens to have some kind of Wolfy claim on Masen." My dad growled at this part defiantly not liking the turn in the conversation." Let me finish Edward.From what I know of this imprinting crap he won't be able not to be there if he knows there is a possibility that Masen  will be fighting. He'll want to be there to protect her and if he's there any good uncle would also be there." He made a valid argument, but my dad still wasn't having it.

 "My daughter is going no where near the reservation." He snarled out.

 " Edward, what Alistar said makes sense. she'll have Jacob and Jasper there to protect her. If this is what it takes to keep my family safe then it's going to happen." My mom spoke up. From the tone of her voice there was no arguing with her. My father sat down and sighed in defeat. So it was decided. I would go to the reservation with Jacob and Jasper to get them on our side. I didn't have the heart to tell them that Wes didn't care for me and their plan was useless.

  That afternoon we set out to the reservation. My heart was pounding so hard it felt as if it was about to pop out of my chest. I knew that Jasper heard it because he gave me glances every so often. By the time we reached the reservation I was calm and I knew it wasn't by my own doing. I was thankful for my uncles power at that moment.

 "What are you here for?" Sam asked already on his porch when we pulled up.

" We want to discuss the upcoming battle." Jasper answered politley.

 " What battle?"  Wes had come out of the house with Macy following behind him. My heart broke  all over again. Jasper took a quick look at me obviously sensing my emotions before turning back to the conversation.

 " There is a very powerful clan of vampires that are coming to try to wipe out our family. We would like to ask that you stand with us."

 " Your going to fight Masen?" Wes asked his expression showing nothing.

" Why wouldn't I?"  I asked back glaring at him. He probably thought I couldn't handle myself.

 " How would you be helpful in a battle?" Macy sneered at me still clutching Wes as if he was her lifeline.

" Do you want me to show you how I could be helpful?" I sneered right back surprising everyone, even  myself. I wasn't one for any kind of confrontation and here I was welcoming it. What was wrong with me? Jasper tried to hold in a laugh while Jacob glared at me.

" Do you not have enough people? We've smelt all the other vampires you have brought for the occasion. Plus with all of the vamp's with extra powers such as you and masen shouldn't you be just fine?" Sam asked ignoring the glaring contest that was taking place between Macy and I.

" This clan also has special advantages and we wish to know for sure that we will win and not have so many casualties." Jasper answered promptly.

" So you want me to risk the lives of my people for yours?"  He was stuck in his decision.

" If our people die who's to say the humans will be safe from this clan? Isn't that your job to protect them? But I guess you don't care. Come on guys let's go they aren't going to agree." I was full of crap. The volturi wanted nothing to do with the humans, but  I knew that Sam would have no choice but to agree if he thought they were in danger.  There was no way he could refuse.Before we reached the car Sam called out to us.

" Wait!" We turned to face him "We're in"

Jasper told them about our training and that they were welcome to join and we left to tell the good news. As we walked up to the house Jasper whispered in my ear so only I could hear

  " He cares for you." As much as I trusted Jaspers powers I knew he must be wrong. Wes didn't care for me and I was just going to have to live with it.

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