Chapter 26

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      It's true what they say, your life does flash before your eyes before you die. It was as if my life was a DVD on fast-forward.

        First there was visions of my sister and I as babies, giggling and laughing in the arms of our parents. Charlie  spinning me around. My first camera. My dad teaching me to play the piano. Sitting in Carlisle's office, eagerly listening to the stories of his past. My first hunting trip in which I puked all over Emmett because I couldn't stand all the blood.  My first photo album filled with my amateur pictures that my parents swore were amazing enough to be in a gallery. My first terrifying moment- a makeover from Alice. Those deep talks with Jasper and all the times he cheered me up without even trying. Seeing Charlie again.....

 The Memories started moving slower as I got to the first time I laid eyes on Wes.  The change. The grocery store. The motorcycle. All the memories that made up our relationship. All the times he tried even when I kept pushing him away. The memories started to linger on his face, smiling at me in my mind.

  And that's when I realized the blow had never came. I opened my eyes to see Wes' wolf laying beside me, nudging me with his snout, the look in his eyes so sad I wanted to cry.  I looked around to see Alec's dismembered body thrown about.

Wes had saved me.

  " Thank you."

  He nodded at me, a big wolfy grin on his face, before bounding off to kill more vampires. I watched him and smiled because I knew he was mine. 

    Everything was in complete chaos. Most of the Guard were wiped out as well as Marcus who seemed to have willingly gave himself to the wolves, but we weren't without our casualties. Carmen, Leah, Peter, Charlotte, and Zafrina were gone. They died fighting for us. The way things were looking they wouldn't be the only ones. The bloodshed didn't seem to be near over. There was only one way to end it.

We needed to kill Aro.

 He was the leader, without him the rest would have no purpose.  I had to kill him if it was the last thing I did.

  I found him easily enough and when I saw who he had in his hands I let out a scream and dived in- not thinking about the consequences. In his grip was Sam. Wes' parents were gone. I wasn't going to let him lose someone else he cared about.

 I jumped on his back, ready to tear his head off. He dropped Sam with a yelp and tried to pry me off, but I wasn't letting go. I was having trouble getting his head off his shoulders. I didn't have full vampire strength. My powers weren't going to help in this situation.

 Just when I thought It was hopeless Sam got up and lunged. He hit his throat giving me the extra strength I needed.

 His head flew from his body.

 It was all over.


AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! The battle scene is over! Aro is dead! How exciting right? So there's going to be one more chapter and then the stories over. I'm most likely going to make a sequel that focuses more on Wes and Masen's relationship. I'm also trying to figure out what else I want to write so if you have any ideas just let me know Love you guys!!!! VOTE, COMMENT, FAN!!!! - LOVE, GABBY

QUESTION OF THE DAY( I'm really feeling the caps lock today, my bad): How do you feel about Kesha?

 I've always liked her music and now that I've watched her show I have sooooo much more respect for her. If you haven't watched it I suggest you do. It'll give you a whole difrent perspective on her if you don't like her.  So that's what I think. Okay BYE!!!!

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