Chapter 11

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  As much as I didn't like my dads ridiculous plan( That had no hope of working), I was glad to see the covens again. I enjoyed their company- especially Benjamin, Maggie, Alistair, Garret, and Vladimir and Stephen. Benjamin and I had the same power though his was fully matured and mine seemed as if it was never going to. He helped me a lot and he was a genuinely great guy. He was all about standing up for what he believed in and I respected that. He was confident and careless and had the best attitude of anyone i had ever met. Maggie was just a really sweet girl and we bonded over our hard to handle red hair.Her ability to tell when she was being lied to was one that came in handy. Alistar had always been anti-social. Somehow I had gotten through his wall and now he was like a second father to me. He was a funny guy really really  really deep down.He hated authority and as a tracker ran from it his whole life.Garret was hilarious and much like Emmett loved to tease me. He had this spirit for adventure and challenge that fascinated me to no end, I liked listening to his story's about the American revolution. Now that he was a ' vegetarian' vampire due to kate, he was more tolerable to the wolves as well. Vladimir and Stephan were intimidating guys, but I had never been scared of them. Even when i was little I found them fascinating. I loved to listen to their story's and take pictures of them. Their petrified skin was something I couldn't pass up. It made for interesting pictures.Plus I loved their accents. At first the only reason they tolerated me was because I boosted their egos, something they were really fond of ,but in time I think they came to genuinely like me..

  It was a saturday when the 'reunion' was to be held. The first person coven to show up was Benjamins. As soon as he came into sight I ran to him.

   " I missed you!"

   " I missed you too. How are your powers coming along?" He asked a giant smile upon his face. Benjamin was always in a good mood. He was a naturally cheery person and I loved that about him. We talked about my powers and he worked with me with them. I was so close to fire I could feel it. when I concentrated hard enough I could feel heat on my skin, but there was no fire. Benjamin's power had always been there. It had gotten greater over time, but he always had all the elements. I was jealous of that, but i excepted it.

 The next coven to arrive was the irish coven. The first thing Maggie said to me when we were alone was

" What are we really here for?" I laughed till i cried.

" My father has it in his mind to set me up with Nahuel. He doesn't like my..." I trailed off not knowing what to call Wes. Was he my mate? Was it to early to call him that?

" Your what?" Maggie asked a knowing smile on her face. I pushed her shoulder playfully and got up to run. she got up to chase me, playfully.

 Then came the Denalis. We considered them more like family than anything else. I wasn't particularly close to any of them except for their newest member Garret. Kate was funny, Carmen and Eleazar were sweet , and I still didn't know what to make of Tanya. They were all nice, but Garret was my main compadre of the group.

  " You know in my time girls just didn't get as pretty as you." He teased as soon as he saw me. I laughed  

 " And in my time guys didn't.........oh wait they do get handsomer than you?" I teased. He immediately threw me over his shoulder and spun me around leaving me giggling like crazy.

The amazon coven was next to appear. Thees women were fierce and I never knew whether to admire them or be scared of them.  They had the likeness of jungle cats in manner and an animalistic beauty that was rare yet amazing.

 Then came Alistar all alone. He said hi to Carlisle and I before immediately leaving upstairs to be alone. As was the way of Alistar.

Peter and Charlotte came next. They spoke mostly with Jasper, But they said hello to everyone. They were more reserved and I had never talked to them  I much though I tried for Jasper. I was neither very fond of their presence or disconcerted by it.

 Vladimir and Stephan Sent a note saying they would have loved to come, but they had other engagements and they might visit soon.This was expected,   like Alistar they weren't ones for others company. .   With this note there was a gift for me. It was an ancient book they had picked up in their travels and I was delighted by it. I would have to thank them for it some day.

The last to arrive ,of course, was the guest of honer- Naheul and his aunt. Naheul was as good looking as ever. Even I wasn't immune to his charming good looks. I had expected him to have eyes only for Renesmee, but much to my surprise his gaze was stuck on me. He greeted everyone and chatted with a few all the while sending me glances that I wasn't sure how to read. After finishing a polite conversation with my father he came to me.

  "Would you mind taking a walk with me?" He asked.

"Sure." I answered hesitantly.  What did he want? Why wasn't he speaking with Renesmee? or asking her to take a walk with him?

  We walked on a trail into the woods. We made polite conversation, but I could tell he was holding back. We stopped at the creek and he sat on a rock.

 " I'm sorry about your father. Your a nice girl and you deserve to be happy."

" You know about his plan?" I asked confused. He nodded mutely.

" I don't agree with it what-so-ever, but I think I could help."

 " In what way?" He wanted to help me? It all seemed so strange and I wondered about his intentions.

  " I could helplp by pretending to be interested and vise-versa to help get your father offf your back."

 To say i was stunned was an understatement. This was the last thing I had expected.

 " I'm not a deceitful person. I don't think I could do something like that." Even as i said it I knew i was lieing to myself. I was being deceitful every time I thought about Wes or talked to him. I was becoming a different person and I wasn't sure I liked it.

 " I didn't mean to offend you. Your a nice girl and i just wanted to help you."

 " Thank you for your concern."

 As we walked back things seemed to get less formal. We were more comfortable in our conversation and I enjoyed his company.  He had an odd sense of humor that reminded me of Jasper and he told story's of his experiences in a way that was mysterious and suspenseful. They had me on the edge of my metaphorical seat.

 When we reached the house and walked inside I could feel the tenseness in everyone around us. They were all huddled around Alice looking worried.

 "What's wrong?" I asked frantically.

 Two words were uttered, words that scarred each and every member in the room.

 " The Volturi"


AUTHORS NOTE: Hey guys! Hope you had a great thanksgiving. I'm pretty sure i'm not going to be  able to eat for a week. So i hope you enjoyed it. My updates might start to be a lot more random lately. Soccer season starts next week  And the musical performance is almost here so i'm kinda busy. Anyway can someone please inform me how to make a cover? or better yet Makew me one? *puppy dog eyes* anyway thanks for reading vote, comment fan!- Love Gabby

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