Chapter 18

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 " So you know what their after?" Sam asked as we all sat in our living room.

   After Alice's vision Carlisle had immediately called a meeting. The vampires and werewolves sat around each other uneasily. I could feel the tension in the air. Sitting next to your mortal enemies wasn't exactly fun. Garrett, of course, found it quite amusing and cracked as werewolf jokes that really weren't funny. All the wolves glared at him, except for  Wes. His eyes were glued to me. I couldn't find the strength to meet his gaze. I still hadn't  processed what had happened earlier today. I couldn't believe my dad would meddle in my life like that. Neither could my mother, she hadn't looked at him since it happened. I felt incredibly guilty about it. Their marriage could be ruined and it would be all my fault.

  " They want Masen." 

My father and Wes growled in unison. My dad glared at Wes, but Wes didn't even notice him.

 "What do they want with her?" Sam questioned. Telling them was probably a bad idea, i'm sure they wanted nothing to do with protecting me.

" Her power is intense and growing more everyday. They want her to join them. Aro has a sort of obsession with collecting and he is a huge collector of vampires with special powers that could be of use to them. If he wins he will most likely also add Bell and Alice to this collection." Carlisle explained in his eloquent way.  It only made me more terrified. Why couldn't they leave us alone? They were in charge, why did they need more?  Why feel threatened of people who only wanted to stay under the radar and live in peace?

 " What's so great about her power?" Paul asked in a disgusted voice. Wes growled at him and Paul stood up ready for action. They started walking towards each other shaking. Before the fight began everyone in the room caught a scent that was defiantly not supposed to be here. I recognized it right away. Sid. Why did he always come at times when he was in the most danger? Then realization hit me.

  We were supposed to go bowling today with a group of people........... The doorbell rang and I ran to get it before anyone could  move. I opened the door stepped outside and closed it all in one quick motion.

  " Are you going dressed like that? It's kind of cold in the bowling alley." Sid commented as he took in my workout clothes.

 " I was working out and I guess I lost track of time. I'm so sorry."

" It's fine. So what's up with all the people in your house?" He asked looking at our window. Everybody was still in the living room, all the vampires looking tense. I needed to hurry this up.

 " Their friends of th family. Were sort of having a get together and I can't get out of it. Raincheck? " I felt bad but what else could I do?

 " So that jerky guy is a friend of the family?" He asked an edge to his tone I didn't like.

  " Sort of. It's complicated." I didn't know why I was explaining anything to him. I just felt bad I guess. I always seemed to disappoint him, to disappoint everyone.

 " Are you hanging out with him again?"

  Before I could answer the door flew open and Wes was standing at the door.

  " I don't think it's really any of your business." Wes stated darkly.

 Sid didn't seem to be the least bit fazed by his presence.

 " It is my business considering I actually care about her."

 " Are you insinuating that I don't care about Masen." He took a step closer and It was time for me to step in.

 I put my hands on Wes's chest and gave him a little push.

  " Wes go inside." He didn't budge an inch and I sighed. Go figure.

 " Sid you should you go home. I'll talk to you tomorrow." He nodded and walked away. Then I turned and looked at Wes.

 " You didn't have to do that. "

 " I didn't like the way he was talking to you."

 " You forfeited the right to care when you decided to listen to my father."

 And with that I walked inside and went upstairs trying my hardest not to look back.


AUTHORS NOTE: So hope you enjoyed the chapter!  Love triangle! anyway i'm thinking of deleting my other story like two people are reading it. That's pretty pathetic of me huh? Maybe i need to make a better summary or something oh well. Anyway i've decided to start a question of the day so the question of the day is: What do you think of a giraffe farm? Random, but i've been contemplating it a lot because i'm a weirdo. Well bye!- Love Gabby

The story of Masen Elizabeth CullenWhere stories live. Discover now