Chapter 10

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       The ride to my house was uneasy.  I was thankful for Jacobs presense, he calmed my nerves. Sometimes we weren't the best of friends, but in the end we were family and he'd always been a part of my life.  I couldnt hellp but wonder what it would be like if seth had imprinted on me or embry- someone my dad would have approved of. Or better yet if no one had imprinted on me. My life would ave been so much easier. I didn't regret anything though.

  " Ready for the fireworks?" Jacob joked uneasily as we reached the house.  I took a deep breathe and got out of the car hoping for the best. I walked inside and everyone turned to look at me. Everyone was sitting in the living room waiting for me, Most looking concerned and sympathetic. Dad looked livid.

 " Hey..."  My dad stood up and I saw that his fists were clenched and his shoulders were tense.

" I thought better of you." The first blow came hard. Dissapointment was written on his face clear as day and I couldn't handle it.  . I felt like trash. 

" Edward!" Suprisingly the exclaim came from Rosalie. Everyone looked at her as  if she had grew two heads.

 " Stay out of this Rose. I expect you to stay away from him from now on he is no good for you and i'm not going to watch you be hurt by him again."

I nodded my head mutley.  There seemed to be nothing i could do. My destiny had been made up for me. I ran to my room and locked the door.

 Those next few day when I wasn't at school I spent my time in my room lookin at pictures wallowing in self pity. The strangest thing was that Rosalie became my greatest comfort. She thought that my dad was being absurd-as did everyone else- and she let him know every oppurtunity she could get. In those days i also became better aqcuinted with Sid. He was a great friend. We understood each other. Sometimes it was like we were the same person- except for the fact that he was extremley comfident and cocky of course. I was glad to have him as a freind.

   " Your father is off his rocker." Rose commented as she walked into my room and took a seat on my bed.

 " What did he do now?" the last couple of days he'd been trying to come up with ways to make me forget about Wes. He saw my sadness and he didn't like it but he also wasn't going to give in. He hadn't followed through with any of his plans but from the look on Rosalies face he had finnally decided.

 "He's invited Nahuel to make a visit. He thinks since Nahuel still hasn't found his mate and your the only available half vampire he isn't related to that you'll find your mate in him and forever forget about Wes as if it were going to be that easy."

 Nahuel was a nice guy. He had visited every once in a while over the years and i enjoyed his company as did the rest of the family. He wasn't bad to look at either, but he wasn't for me. Plus he'd always been obsessed with Renesmee, much to Jacobs displeasure.  There was no way this would work.

 " Wouldn't that seem rather suspicious?"

" He's thought of that ofcourse. He plans to disguise it by inviting everyone who stood with us against the volturi as a reunion of sorts. Even i have to admit it's a clever idea."

He would stop at nothing to get what he wanted, that much was obvious.

   Later on that night there was pebbles being thrown at my window. I was sure that everyone in the house heard them, but since they were all against my dad's ridicoulus plans they choose to ignore it and dad was miles away at the cottage. I ran to the window and saw Wes standing underneath orchids in his hands.

 " Don't you think orchids are getting a bit over done?" I teased as I opened the window. He smiled at me, a breathtaking smile that made me melt.

 "  Are you saying you don't want them? Because I can easliy give them to someone who will appreciate them." He teased back pretending to walk away

"No! I want them." He turned back around his eyes twinkling with mischeif.

" Then come and get them."  I laughed and shut my window tip-toeing out of the house, though I was sure I was heard anyway.

 " You do know my dad will kill you if he finds you here right?"

" I'm aware."

" Well as long as your aware of the consequences."

I smiled, and for the first time in a long time i felt alive.


AUTHORS NOTE: So who went to see the new breaking dawn movie? The day befor it came out my mom let me skip school and see the movie marathon at amc with her and my bestie( and my besties mom and brother) We saw the new movie at ten the day before it came out. I thought they left out some important story stuff but other than that it was good. The suprise at the end had me FREAKING out. It was crazy. Comment what you thought! Anyway sorry it took some time for me to get this one out i've been so busy. I should be able to update again this week due to thanksgiving break. Happy early thanksgiving!!!! vote, Comment, and Fan Please!- Love Gabby

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