Chapter 3

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 La push was beautiful. It was majestic and mysterious and somehow completley pure  I couldn't stop taking pictures of it. I was mesmorized. It spoke to me in a way i couldn't understand. I could have stayed there forever taking pictures if renesmee hadn't pulled me away by the hand to the Black place. Everybody was sitting outside the small shabby red house scarfing down food.

 The whole pack was there and more. I was amazed at how excited they were to see us- well to see Renesmee. They barley acknowledged me. They might have said two words to me. I had never really got along with the wolves or hung out with them. They just never really liked me and i had decided that i wasn't going to try to make them like me. I ddin't care enough about their opinions to try to change them. I had my family and that was all i needed. I actually remember being very rude to them after realizing that they found Renesmee amazing and completley igored me.  It made Rosalie, Jasper, Emmet, and when my mom wasn't looking dad laugh though no one else seemed to find it funny. It made my mother furious that we couldn't get along. I even used my powers against them when they said something i really didn't like. I was especially hanous to Paul. Something about him rubbed me the wrong way.

 So i stayed in the Background Practically disappearing into the wind while Renesmee was center stage stealing everyones attention. Story of my life. The only person that would talkng to me was claire- Quils imprint. She was really funny and amazingly mellow. She balanced Quil out perfectly

    The whole group was laughing over something i really did't care to know about when i heard footsteps walking this way. I turned to see who it was and saw an adorable little boy. He couldn't have been more than four years old . He was chubby with the biggest cheeks, silky black hair, and eyes as blue as the ocean. He had the cutest dimple in his right cheek as he smiled. HIs innocence reminded me of Emmett in a strange way.

  "Who are they?" A deep rough voice asked makeing my eyes snap up from the little boy. Standing behind him was one of the hottest guys i had ever seen. He was tall atleast 6'3  and had just the right amout of muscles. HIs eyes were this light blue/grey color that captured your attention automatically. His hair was black wavy and just above his shoulders and he had beard stuble that was somehow amazingly sexy. Renesmee stood up and bounded over to him.

 "I'm Renesmee Cullen and that is my twin sister Masen." She stook out her hand for him to shake, but he just glared at it untill she ackwardly put it back down by her side.

"and you are?"

"Wes Uely." He responded and walked right past her and went to sit right next to paul. She looked confused and slightly insulted. She huffed and went to go sit next to Jacob. That was definatley something new to renesmee. Most people, especially people of the guy persuasion were dieing to have Renesmee talk to them. It was sort of refreshing. I had a slight amount of respect for this intense non smileing relative of sam. Soon things went back to normal and i started looking around for potential photo opportunities. suddenly the little boy came up to me.

  "I"m tanner and you're weally pwetty." He said in the most adorable voice.

"Why thank you. My names masen." I stuck my hand out for him to shake and he took my hand in his little chubby one all too eagerly. Then his pretty little eyes were glued to my camera.

 " can you take a picture of me masen?" He asked. I smiled bigger.

" Ofcouse i can!" i said enthusiasticlly as he stared doing all sorts of silly poses. I laughed while takeing the pictures.  They were so cute. After a few minutes he seemed to get tired and stopped.

 " thank you Masen."  He said bounding off to Wes who i know assumed was his brother. THe resemblance was too uncanny to be otherwise.

" Someone has a little admirer." Claire teased. i laughed slightly.

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