Chapter 22

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    I ran to them, completely forgetting about Wes and what was so close to happening.

   " I thought you weren't coming!" I yelled as I hugged each one of the very very old vampires. Vladimir and Stephan might have been intimidating and scary, but to me they were part of my family.

  " And miss a good fight with volturi?" questioned Vladimir looking at me as if I had lost my mind.

It was true that they really had it out for the Volturi for many centuries. Sometimes I wondered if the thought of revenge was what kept them going for so long. At one point it was so close they could taste it, but unfortunately for them( and thankfully for us) nothing had come of the last meeting with the Volturi. Now they were back for the second round. This time I wasn't so sure that we would all walk away unharmed. The outcome was to bleak to even think about. And it was all because of me.

" You must not know us at all." Stephan smiled and I grinned back at him. Oh how I had missed them.

" So who is this boy you were canoodling with?"

 My cheeks automatically began to burn. I had been caught. It's not like anything had actually happened. They had made sure of that. Plus who uses the word canoodling anyway? Before I could say anything Wes stepped in front of me and extended his hand out to them both.

 " I'm Wes."

They stared at his hand until he awkwardly put it back down to his side.

" A werewolf?" Vladimir mused.

" How intriguing."  Stephan added.

 The one thing about Vladimir and Stephan that could really get under peoples skin was their ability to act like they knew more than they were letting on and the way they could make you feel way beneath them- Two things that they were doing to Wes at this very moment. I was proud of him for not looseing his cool. He knew they were important to me and I appreciated it. They could be to much to handle for some people.

  " Do you think-"  Before Vladimir could finish his question Stephan answered it.

" Oh I do believe so."

How cryptic.

 Wes  gave me a What-the-hell look and I just shrugged. Even Alice was no match for these two. There was no stopping them. I didn't even attempt to pretend that I could.

" So are you treating Masen well? We care for the girl very much and it would be a pity to have to eliminate you. She seems to like you enough."

" But she bounces back fast....."

My jaw dropped. What the hell were they saying?

" Guys that's not-"

" It's fine, Masen." Wes cut me off giving me a pointed stare. i was coming to be able to read all his facial expressions. This one meant: I can handle this.

" I would never treat Masen badly. I love her."

I swear you could hear my gasp from a mile away. Why was everyone saying such ludicrous things today? Did he mean that? If he did, why would he tell Vladimir and Stephan before telling me?

" He'll do."

" But we'll be watching wolf."

I was too shocked to say anything. Had that really just happened? This was so bizarre.

 Before anyone could say anything else, Alice came darting out of the house, a worried expression on her face.

 " Their coming! They'll be here within the hour."

 No one asked who they 'they' were. We all knew

  The Volturi.


 How do you feel about that cliff-hanger? I loved it! Lol i'm so evil. I So i'm noticing that like a lot ( Well a lot by my standards) of people are reading this, but not so many are voting. I never wanted to be one of these authors , but I will not post the next chapter unless this one has ten votes.I would really appreciate it. Thanks so much for reading! Vote, Comment, Fan- Love Gabby

Question of the day: Unicorns: Myth or the real deal?

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