Chapter 21

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   I stared at the letter for a long time. I wasn't sure what to think of it. I couldn't deny the connection any longer, but at the same time I was extremely scared. How was this going to work out? My family meant everything to me. I wouldn't give them up for anything. I couldn't.

    Plus, I had never actually been in a relationship before. What if I was bad at it? What if I messed everything up? I'm not exactly the ideal girl. Wes deserves a girl who knows how to be in a relationship, not a girl like me who had never even kissed a boy before. No one had ever actually taken an interest in me before. This was new uncharted territory, and I had never been a great explorer.

  " There's someone at the door for you." Alice said from the door. She had a secret smile planted on her face that scared me. When Alice's smiles like that something very good or bad was about to happen. There was no way to tell which it was going to be, and there was no way of getting out of it.

" Who is it?"  

It was super early in the morning , who would be at the door for me?

" You'll see!" She answered with a giggle as she walked out  closing the door behind her.

 I wasn't stupid. I knew who was at the door. Who else would make Alice act like that? The real question was, was I ready to face him?

 I guess I was going to find out.

I walked to the door as slow as possible. What was he going to say? What was I going to say? How was this supposed to work out?

When I opened the door Wes was standing there looking as gorgeous as ever. He had major bed head that looked incredibly sexy and he wore a tight black v-neck that hugged his muscles. And his eyes! Oh his eyes! They looked extremely gray today. They were a storm coming to take me away.

 " Hi." I said nervously not knowing where to look.

 "Hey." He had his hands stuffed in his front pockets as if he were nervous and bit his lip in the most enticing way. What was this boy doing to me?

" So......" I trailed off feeling self-conscience as I realized I was in my tinkerbell pajamas still.

" I was thinking that we could hang out today."   And  just like that all hints of nervousness were gone and he was his usual suave debonair self. I couldn't help but smile.

" Ok, let me just get changed."

I found myself running upstairs in a rush eager to spend time with him, despite the questions that were still running in the back of my mind. I threw on a pair of skinny jeans , a comfy sweater, and a pair of sperrys and rushed down the stairs.

" I'll be back" I shouted out to Alice as I ran out the door.

          We ended up at a small cafe in port Angles that i'd never been to before. It had this Italian vibe that I absolutely loved. The walls were a dark burgundy and small iron bistro tables with white tablecloths filled the room. On top of the tables were baskets of biscotti that looked absolutely Delicious. When you walked in there was a chalkboard welcoming us with a nice ' Benvenuto'. The room was outlined with clear colored Christmas lights. It was beautiful.

 " This place is amazing." I breathed in a whisper of amazement.

" I thought you would like it."

" Because you know so much about me." I commented sarcastically trying to lighten the mood with a joke.

" I'd like to know more." He answered making a grin spread out on my face. We found a table in the middle of the room and ordered coffee- mine a vanilla frappacino his black.

" How about we play twenty questions?" He proposed as we waited for our drinks.

" Ok you first."

       I had the best time with Wes. We talked about anything and everything. I found out his favorite color ( orange), his most embarrassing moment ( when he found himself stuck to his chair because he had sat on gum) , and even his first kiss ( sally labelle in kinder).There was no pressure to be perfect, I could just be me.

 " What about you? Who was your first kiss?" He asked as we walked to my door.

My cheeks immediately heated up. I was sure I looked like a tomato, and not an attractive one either. I had never kissed anyone in my whole sixteen years of living. I never had time for boys ( As if any of them would give me the time of day anyway). I was focused on my photography and my family. It was never an issue until now.

" one." I mumbled looking at the ground in embarrassment.

He put his finger under my chin and lifted my face, my eyes meeting his. I couldn't help it, I let a small gasp escape my lips. He was so perfect. I couldn'y stop staring at those Stormy eyes.........Suddenly he started moving closer until I could feel his breath on my face. I  closed my eyes waiting for the soft feeling of his lips on mine. The contact never came.

" Masen!"

At the door stood Vladimir and Stephan.


AHHHHH!!!!! I'm sooooooooo sorry guys! It's been FOREVER! I know you've probably killed me in your minds by now and I deserve it.  Well anyway I hoped you enjoy this chapter, a little Wasen action is always nice. Vote, Comment, and Fan pretty please!- Love Gabby

Question of the day: Fave song of the moment?

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