Chapter 23

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                           Alice had called, but there was no way my family and the assembled vamps would be here in time. The werewolves were to far to answer and Wes refused to leave my side.

                       There was nothing we could do but wait

                                                                                and wait

                                                                                         and wait.

      The anticipation was killing me. What would we do by ourselves? How could six of us handle the Volturi army all by ourselves? We all sat in the living room. Wes sat next to me and held my had, but I barely noticed. Vladimir and Stephan talked of the terrible acts of the Volturi and how sweet revenge would be. It was all background noise. I was to caught up in my own thoughts to truly pay attention to the things going on around me.

  Today might be my last day on this earth. What was the last thing I had said to my parents? I couldn't remember. What if it had been hateful? What if they didn't know how much I loved them?

My father and I hadn't been getting along lately, but I loved him. He had always been there for me. He had taught me to play piano and made me feel important. I didn't want to die when we were arguing.

Mom and I were just starting to have a close relationship. I didn't want to lose it when it had barely begun.

Rosalie had been on my side and she'd never know how much I appreciated it. I couldn't further our just blossoming relationship.

Carlisle could make anything better with just words and he'd never know how much he had got me much he had helped me throughout my life. I would never hear his soothing voice again.

Jasper always understood me. I never had to say a word......he just knew. His presence was always comforting.....even when he wasn't using his powers.  It would have been nice to feel that kind of comfort at this more time.

Emmett was the only person that could make me laugh no matter what. His teasing could lift me out of any mood. I'd never laugh with him again.

I had never been close to Esme. She was sweet and amazing, but I always kept my distance. I wish I had got to know her better. I wish I had more time to do like I should have.

   I looked up at the people around me and realized I should say everything I needed to them....... just in case.

 " Alice"

  She looked up at me in confusion.

 " You're the biggest pain ever. You never take no for an answer.....and I thank you for that. You've always wanted me to live and I really appreciate it. I love you."

 " Oh Masen"

" Vladimir and Stephen you are intimidating and scary, but You've always watched over me. You are a part of my family whether you like it or not."

" Renesmee we are so different and I'm not going to lie, I've always been a little jealous of how perfect you are, but I'm proud to be your sister."

 " You jealous of me? I'd always been jealous of you!" She ran over to me and we hugged.

  I was choked up by the time I got to Wes.

   " Wes, we've been through a tough time. That's an understatement actually.  I just hope that if we survive this we can try this for real."

 He smiled at me and took my face in his hands, forcing me to stare into his eyes. I didn't care If they were all watching. They didn't even exist right then.

" I've been waiting for that for some time now."

  He leaned in and I closed me eyes, a smile playing on my lips.

  "They've arrived." Vladimir and Stephen whispered at the same time causing Wes to pull away before his lips could touch mine.

 We were always interrupted!

       We stood tall and walked to meet them(Well except for Wes seeing as he changed into wolf form), our heads held high. If we died, we'd do it with honor and we'd take down as many of those bastards as we could.

  " I was expecting more." Aro commented as he watched us walk towards him. We kept a nice distance......waiting.

  " Well it seems you have come at a bad time." Alice answered in the most defiant voice I had ever heard her use.

  " It appears so. Vladimir, Stephan how nice to see you again."

" The feeling isn't mutual." Vladimir answered, while Stephan just glared.

" That's to bad. Masen, Renesmee my how you've grown. You've turned into such beautiful young women. And who is this? Renesmee's werewolf?"

  " We all know you haven't come to exchange pleasantries. Cut to the chase." The words left my mouth on their own accord. When had I become so bold?

 " as you wish."

 He started walking forward leaving his accomplices behind him. We all stood tense, except for Vladimir and Stephan who seemed to welcome this.

" Your pack is growing to much for my liking. We have evidence of a mutiny."

" I wasn't aware we lived on a pirate ship."

Wes made a sound that sounded like a laugh though you couldn't tell in his wolf form. My sharp mouth was sure to get me in trouble, Alice seemed to agree by the look she was shooting me.

 Aro just smiled.

" Your a funny one I see. I know you are innocent Masen, you could join the guard. You'd be a lovely addition."

" I think i'll pass."

His smile dropped.

" I see, I guess i'll just have to kill you."

Wes growled and before I knew what was happening he pounced.


Oh the drama! Why Wes why? And when did Masen get such a fiery tongue? I'm so proud. Anyway hoped you enjoyed it. I've been busy all spring break and this is the only chance I had to update, I hope all the drama makes up for it. Since the ten votes thing worked last time( thank you so much for that btw) This time I would like 15 before I'll post the next chapter(Does that make me sound terrible?). I'd really appreciate it. Oh and I loved y'all's answers to my unicorn question. they were funny. It seems everyone believes! So yay for that! Vote, Comment, Fan - Love, Gabby

Question of the day: Favorite youtuber? Mine is probably  Jenna marbles.....or smosh....or Rhett and link.....or charlieissocoollike.......or Shane Dawson.............ok guys I just can't decide. There all just so hilarious.( If you don't know any of these you should look them up. then you'll be addicted to YouTube just like me lol)




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