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Shuichi's POV- I got home after being spammed by Kaede, she was eager to know how my night went but she told me she had to tell me something too. I agreed to meet up with her, but I didn't understand what was so serious that she couldn't talk to me over text about... I shrugged it off before putting my jacket on and heading out of the house, man it's been a pretty busy couple of days... I will have to treat myself to a nice reading session after this. I met up with Kaede at a park near both of our houses.

"Hey Kae!" I called out to her after seeing her arrive

"hey Shu!!" she exclaimed while running over to me

We hugged and then found a place to sit down. We chose a bench near a water fountain since it was much cooler over here. We made small talk at first but then I remembered why I came here and asked "What did you need to talk to me about again?".

"Oh right! sorry I got side tracked!" she apologized

"It's okay!" I smiled

"I wanted you to see this" she said while pulling out a flier out of her purse

The flier said the house was for sale, and I was a bit confused as to why she wanted to show it to me. I looked up at her and titled my head and then she understood.

"It's Rantaro's house Shuichi" Kaede said sadly

my eyes went wide and she looked away, "we weren't supposed to say anything to you since Rantaro didn't want you to know yet but I felt bad keeping a secret like that from you" she confessed while pulling out her phone and opening Rantaro's close friend's story.

"He's moving..?" I said in disbelief

how did I not know..? everything between us was fine and nothing seemed off the past couple of days.. was he going to leave without saying goodbye.. I panicked. I pulled myself together before asking Kaede ''Do you know where he's going?"

"Well his parents are going on another trip that's all the way across the world, he said that his mom wants to have a fresh start." Kaede admitted

"Oh..." I said sadly, I need to talk to Rantaro and make sure this is true.. I can't believe he didn't say anything to me sooner. "Kaede I need to go" I told her

"I understand, if he asks this wasn't from me okay! here take this poster with you" she said while handing it over. On that note I began to run as fast as I could to Rantaro's house hoping that he would still be there. 

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