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Rantaro's POV- Me and Shuichi headed back to my house after our more than eventful night, we were both exhausted after skating and dealing with those girls. Saying it's been a long night is an understatement but at least we had fun. It was quite late now, I was driving us home since Shuichi could barely form a sentence, he is so exhausted- social interaction really tires him out. He's so cute when he's sleeping... but now's not the time to be staring. I got to make sure we get home safe or rather sleeping beauty.

It took awhile but we finally reached my house, I was praying that my family won't say anything embarrassing, I picked up Shuichi and then used my foot to knock on the door. Luckily my mom was still awake and let me in.

"Awh-" She started

"SILENCE SAY NO MORE" I stated before carrying Shuichi up to my room, my sisters were asleep so we wouldn't be bothered by them till morning.I layed Shuichi down in my bed and tucked him in, I soon joined him and shortly after entering the comfort of my covers I too fell asleep.

-Time skip to the next morning-

Shuichi's POV-  I woke up in Rantaro's bed... I had no memory except the fact that we left the skating rink. I looked over to see Rantaro- I slept with Rantaro... NO NOT LIKE THAT THAT SOUNDS WRONG I gayly panicked, I tried to stay quiet so I wouldn't wake Rantaro up but when I looked over I realized his eyes were already open and he was trying to hold in his laughter.

"HEY THAT IS NOT FUNNY" I stated sternly

"I MEAN IT'S KINDA FUNNY" He stated after releasing his laugh

I huffed and he sat up,  he patted my head and I blushed. "my moms making breakfast! we should go downstairs and join them" Rantaro told me, "Sure" I nodded my head in agreement after getting up and heading towards Rantaro's door. When I opened the door I was faced with 12 Girls.

"H-HUH'' I stated as the girls turned me around and stared at me, they made minimal comments and whispered to each other. I could barely make out the whispers but from what I could hear they were mumbling things under the lines of "is this him..?" , "rantaros with him?", "do we approve'' , "inspect him". These whispers were so  broken up by Rantaro shooing them away to give me some space to breathe, "sorry about them" Rantaro chuckled "those are my little sisters" he told me "it's okay! I just was not expecting to see them all at once" I said nervously. This was my first time meeting Rantaro's family after all. Rantaro headed out shortly after that, taking my hand with him and dragging me down the stairs eagerly trying to avoid his younger sisters. Why did he want to avoid them...? I asked myself but I thought I would just keep it to myself.

When we reached the bottom floor, there was a living room that was connected to a huge kitchen, the kitchen had many chairs and it appeared to have another one for where I would be sitting, the kitchen had a small cooking room attached to it, there was a women cooking a lot of food, which appeared to be tantaros mom. They are all so identical it's unbelievable, I didn't realize how long I had been staring for until Rantaro waved his hand in front of my face and said "earth to Shuuu".

"AH SORRY" I apologized

He laughed before walking over to the table and taking a seat, he patted the one next to him for me to sit in, his family all came in to join us shortly after.

After everyone was seated his mom came out with trays of food and told us to dig in, but when she sat down that's when the questions began.

"Soooo... Shuichi" she began

"Ah yes!" I answered

"tell me about yourself, we only ever hear stuff from Rantaro and never from you" His mother huffed

"Oh and he talks about you allllllllllll the time" his sisters added on

in response to their comments Rantaro faked cough and said "Ahem, so why don't we talk about you guys I mean shuichi barely knows all of you"

"but we wanna learn more about him first" they eagerly nodded

I could tell things were getting awkward, and eventually rantaro said "I think I'm gonna take Shuichi home" , "awh but-'' they all started sadly. Rantaro got up and encouraged me to follow him so I did while ignoring his family's pleas. We got in the car, and he began to drive although when we passed my house I was a bit confused.

"Taro we passed my house" I pointed,

"I know, were going to breakfast! I noticed you didn't eat anything, I'm sorry about my family they can be a bit embarrassing sometimes" he told me.

"oh okay! and it's alright I don't mind" I said

We went to breakfast and after he drove me home, When I went to get out of the car he gave me a head pat and told me to call him later on. I blushed and nodded before heading into my house, when my phone connected to the Wifi it was blowing up with messages from Kaede.


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