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Shuichi POV- I was on my way home from Rantaros and I couldn't stop thinking about him,,, did I upset him- I hope I didn't I couldn't ever think about doing that. He's my best friend (anddd crusshhh,,, homo included) I wonder if I should text him to see if he's alright I thought to myself. I continued to think about the situation as I pulled into my houses drive way. I couldn't take it anymore! I pulled out my phone and texted him.

~~~~~~~~~~~~avocado boi~~~~~~~~~~~~
(Shuichi is left rantaro is right)



I'm just kinda wondering if your alright- you seemed pretty out of It when I  last saw you!

Oh no! I'm alright! I just had some stuff in my mind ^^; it's nothing really!

Oh alright- 
It felt like something was wrong though,,,
Maybe it's just me being a homosexual- I mean he couldn't be thinking about me a lot- He's probably just worried about something there's no way he could like me!

RANTAROS POV- shuichi almost caught on to me I didn't expect any less tho he is pretty observant,,, how could I ever tell him I like him. I would get rejected so fast- ( not faster than my grades fell 😔 actually no I lie but just go with it ). I don't wanna ruin our friendship but I don't think these feelings are gonna go away,,, I think I might- I might really be in love with shuichi. Maybe I should talk to someone else about it- get a second opinion,,, I thought to myself!

Sorry this chapter is kinda short!!!
I have had no motivation to do anything 😔😔😔
Who will rantaro talk to about these feelings he has? Will they be helpful? Find out in later chapters!
Woah! 295 words!

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