In love...

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RANTAROS pov- I couldn't bear these feelings anymore I don't  understand them, I don't know why I want to hug him and never let him go or why my heart races when we're together,,, I need to talk to someone about this
I pulled out my phone and embarrassedly called kaede (shuichi,rantaro,and kaede are best friends)

Kaedes POV- I was playing the piano when the buzzing of my phone made me mess up- I jumped at the noise of the deep piano key. I picked up my phone and I was getting a call from rantaro- oh god what is it this time I wondered (last time he called me at 2 am to tell me how much he loved avocados and how he is inspired by them T^T).

"Hello" I said
"Kaede I need help,,, I'm lost" rantaro said worriedly
Something's off with rantaro,,, he never sounds this anxious he's normally a really chill guy but right now- something is wrong

"Rantaro whats wrong!?" I asked nervously

"What exactly is love" he asked
"When you feel a deep bond with someone and want them in your life as something more than a friend" I said
"Oh alright" he said
He then hung up the call
That was odd- rantaro sounded unsure of stuff I wonder if hes alright-

Rantaros POV- that's it I couldn't take it anymore, I got in my car and drove to shuichis
I didn't know if he was home or not but I knocked on the door. Luckily he was! (Shuichi lives alone)

Shuichis pov- I was reading a case (detective case ) when I heard a knock on my door, it was rantaro.

"Oh uh hey rantaro"
"Do you wanna come in?"
"Yeah i need to talk to you about something"

I let rantaro inside and we went up to my bedroom.

"So" and that's when it happened


What happened with rantaro? Will rantaro confess? Find out in later chapters! ^^!
Wowie 332 words!

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