Chapter 1

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"Lets go to museum. It will be fun." Sanha exclaimed. "You don't care about love but i do. I brought you guys here for visiting the famous "LOVE BRIDGE" . Don't ruin my plan. Lets go." Jyeon Mia pulled Sanha's hand and made her sit in the car.

"Wait for me." Yeren ran behind them.

Sanha's POV:

All sat in car and went to the famous "LOVE BRIDGE" . They say that you meet your soulmate at this bridge but i dont think its true. It's non sense. I dont think love exists, If it existed then people wont kill each other like they do. Museums are a lot better than these things. I hope they come into reality from their fantasies someday.,...

(Jimin's POV)

"Jiminahhhhhhhhhhh!!!Yahhhhhh!!! Dont sit on my sweatss!! Wake upppp!!!!!" Jin yelled.

"I am ready but still sleepy. I couldn't sleep in car at all. Lemme sleep right now. Get lost hyung." I replied. "Is this the way you behave with your hyung? Go sleep somewhere else. Give me my sweatshirt.Jebaaall!!!" Jin pulled me down the couch and took his sweat.

"Guys! Are you all ready? Your schedules are all book. Sorry for stressing you out but we will have to hurry up and visit the MV sight right now. We are going to the famous 'LOVE BRIDGE'. Get in the car in five minutes and remember to wear mask, cap and get all covered. It will be a little crowdy." Our manager Sejin said and went back to car.

In five minutes all , gathered in the car. "Its near our hotel itself. We gonna reach there in five minutes." Manager said.

(Sanha's POV):

Soon we reached there. It is so beautiful. I wish i could stay here forever. It indeed was better than a museum. The warm breeze blowing, the birds chirping. It was all so peaceful. I went and stood in the middle of bridge near the edge.

"We are going to buy ice creams. Stay here. We will be back...Are you listening?!!!!" Mia hit Sanha's shoulder. "Just go." Sanha yelled.

(Jimin's POV):

We got off the car. Pheww, I was still sleepy. I wish i could get a holiday. Hyungs were enjoying. I went on the bridge. Unfortunately my eyes were still closed. I went up there and slept resting my head on the railing of the bridge. "PHEWWW!" i sighed.

"Are you all right? You seem sick to me." A girl asked me.I didn't know her. I guess she thought I was about to jump off from here.

"Yeah. I am fine." I replied. She nodded and went back to looking at lake.

(Sanha's POV):

The silence was getting really awkward.My anxiety started rising.I didn't like humans. They make me insecure. I need to speak something. Ahhh. Finally i spoke.

"What's..What's your name?"

"Park Jimin" I replied in a sleepy tone.

"Park Jimin? I seem to have heard this name before. Where?"

(Jimin's POV):

Damn it man! I was not supposed to tell someone my name. What do i do if she recognizes me. Ahh, I just dug up my own ditch. Does she recognize me? What do i do now? I have to diverte her mind.

I don't know why i suddenly got up and started uttering non sense.

"Of course, You would have heard that name before. Park is very common surname in korea and Jimin means wisdom. My late Grandfather's cousin's son's cousin who was my late Grandfather's son wanted to have a son full of wisdom. So he named me as Jimin. I cant do anything about my surname now." I started laughing out loud.

"HaHaHa" Sanha grinned awkwardly. I could see how stupid she thought i was.

"What's your name?" I asked her.

"Lee Eun Sanha. You can just call me Sanha. It means Skilful and elegance. I dont know why i was named Sanha." Sanha smiled.

"It's ok. But are you alone?

"Nope. Why are you wearing mask and cap in this warm weather? Do you have some kind of allergy or.......... no way. Are you some kind of Celebrity?" Sanha widened her eyes and yelled. Others started looking at them. Jimin came closer and put his hand on Sanha's mouth.

"Yahh!!Keep your voice low. Others might listen." He whispered in Sanha's ears. Sanha nodded and Jimin took his hand off her mouth.

"So you're a celebrity? Oh man. I thought you guys are busy 24/7 and don't get time to come out of four walls. Oh man.They say meeting a rich guy will ruin your life. What did i get myself into..." Sanha bit her lips and looked at Jimin nervously.

"I saw a girl like you for the first time who would react like this after meeting a famous idol. Are you a human?"

"Who cares? Its not like you are going to be mine or something....Aish. Never mind me." Sanha started looking away from him.

Suddenly Jimin held Sanha from her waist and pulled her closer to him.

"I can't take my mask out right now or else i would have killed you with my face itself." Jimin smirked and kissed her cheek. Sanha started blushing.

"did you just...???" Sanha stopped when she saw Yeren and Mia coming.

" I can never forget you. You...never forget me either. You're just special." Jimin winked at her. He went back to car.

"Who was that? Why did he wink at you? Was he flirting?" Mia asked.

"No" Sanha replied.

" Do you know him?" Yeren hit Sanha's head.

"Mr. Wisdom" Sanha smiled.

"She is crazy. Lets go. We will go insane if we stay here for more." Mia shook her head in disappointment.

"What did you say?" Sanha ran to them and three went back to their hotels.

(Jimin's POV):

I hope i can meet her again. She was pretty and elegant just like her name. Ms.Elegance.


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