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Yours truly song inspired broken home by 5sos

"Hi I'm Lauren Valdez I'm 18 years old, I live in a city called Amsterdam full with intoxication people who drink up their sober and misery away like there's no tomorrow from living again like my dad who drinks or either smokes both drugs that contain to generally want to be gone far away from my mother from being a pain in the back.

"She has no choice but to live with me she deserves to be happy!", my dad yells to my mom across the room while holding me tight. "No she's not going anywhere with you you'll raise her just like your father did the same to you!", she yells as my heart stopped for a second how horrible that sounded and came off. Yeah he drinks and smokes at most times when he isn't around but that was so cruel of her to say. Lighting up a cigarette must of been a tough year to start off but taking his path is never a good choice it's like living with an only dad without a mom would be scary the fear of losing her having not to see her for months who knows years after signing a divorce paper I can't imagine a world without a mom aside a daughter like me to spend more time with.

"I'm taking her with me!", she yelled louder.
"No she isn't because she's coming with me to live in a happier place!", both of them go back and forth with the same subject.
Not that I know much about it to stop the two of them from fighting I really didn't have a choice but to pick sides.

"Why don't we let her choose after all she's old enough to make her own decisions", my dad looks at me with a soft face.
"Oh don't give her that look she's not foolishly naive to fall for that", my mom raises an eyebrow rolling her eyes.

If I had to pick sides it would be my dad he has been there so much on my worst moments my mom always had excuses not helping of my struggles I had during my breakdowns.
I always hear around she has been seeing another guy behind my dads back not surprised at all because of all the proof I have to expose her but willing to keep it to myself, my dad has always been helpful but not that helpful to keep me going to stay living.

"Well what's it going to be?", he asked.
"I'm sorry mom I have to go with him and I have so many reasons that I'm going", I quietly say hearing her fake cry.
"We leave tomorrow make sure you have everything packed", he kisses my check as I head out to my room I felt a hand to my shoulder stopping me to turn around.
"You Can't be serious I didn't raise you to go off with him he's the victim here not me he's an alcoholic addict!", she raises her voice.
"Okay I understand that he is but it's better then going your little secrets that you hide don't fool me I don't know who you are anymore", I wipe the tears off my eyes.

"I promise I'll Change", she fakes the smile. "I've heard that before and look where that lead too i need to find myself again I can't stay here inside of this broken home", my hands start to feel shaky as I hold them together from stopping it.
"Your dad will only make things worst you have to trust me", she grabs my hand.
"Trust you? What did you do to make myself trust you nothing but lies missed calls and unread texts for me worrying every night wondering where you were I can't keep falling for your tricks", my eyebrow raises high.

"How about I make a deal with you?", her voice Lowered to my ear.
"What kind of deal?", my voice softens.
"Whatever you know about me and the secrets I keep to myself I promise i will buy you anything to make your life complete", she smiles evilly.

That sounds like a girl who would do anything to have a spoiled life but legit I wouldn't want that to keep myself from being any less obsessed with filthy money in my hands my mom knows what she's doing and she will keep continuing doing it, it's not going to force me from naively believing the words she says to me.

"Sorry mom but that's something a spoiled brat would want I'm not your daughter who would want that enough to make me feel stupid", I talked straight to her eyes as she starts to bawl her eyes out for mercy begging me to stay.

"You heard the lady I'm taking her there's nothing that you can stop me from taking her", he grabs my hand as we marched straight to my room that was filled with old junk I hardly touch to keep myself away from hurting myself.
Everyday I ask for a new life changing to make something happen miracles of knowing there is still hope I would give to get out of the toxic home of mine I grew up in, toxic friends, having to be misunderstood making hard decisions, not having any freedom to go anywhere I would give anything to have a journey with anyone who understands my pain and struggles of needs I can't be capable of telling anybody.

In that moment now it was time a new fresh start of starting over and having a new place to stay saying goodbye to mom was hard but I know she will be happy without me.
Let's just hope this journey will be less intoxicated and best of luck to meet new friends or who knows what will happen for a surprise.

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