22 mistakes

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"It's been too long I need to see her!"

Luke pounds the chair

"You will mate it takes lots of patients I'm not too sure if they are even seeing her"

Ashton says

"Don't say that I still have hope she's going to make it I just know it"

Luke kept his breathing heavy having his leg shake nervously

"You know what I'm not just going to sit here and do nothing but talk to the doctors"

Calum says as he gets up he starts to vomit all over his sweater

"Ugh great now Calum feels more worse I feel so sick this is all my fault"

Luke says in a tired tone

"It's nobody's fault it's arzaylea's she took her own actions to hurt an innocent human"

Ashton says hurt

Hours go by and ticks it almost looked like they have been waiting for nothing but for a response back from doing lots of checking and final reports on Lauren, Luke might of not remember everything but he saw with his own blue ocean eyes see his not only his best friend but love get hurt when he didn't do nothing but watch it happen in front of him. If he didn't drink in the first place none of this would happen and kept her safe.

"I can't believe I let this happen all of this was my fault"

Luke says over again

"Luke for the last time you didn't see it coming you didn't do nothing wrong things happen for a reason"

Michael says

"Then what was the reason huh do you have an answer for that because I really want to know if you know something fucking tell me please!"

Luke shakes Michael's shoulders

"Hey back off mate I don't know anything I saw her rushing looking for you and caught you taking couple of shots with arzaylea"

Michael says back

Eventually Luke starts to get sleepy he ends up falling asleep onto Ashtons shoulders he was sound asleep he looked horrible. once he was deeply sleeping nobody felt how Luke must of felt for how truly sorry he was for Lauren letting this all happen over something that wasn't his fault, the guys still continue to worry for the both of them for how much longer it would take to have answers.

"Hey Luke are you okay"

Lauren asked him laying on Ashton

"Lauren is that really you?"

Luke says surprised and shocked

"Yeah it's me baby what happened to me?"

"You... you got hurt by arzaylea being insane"

Luke says

"That explains why um but I will be okay right?"

Lauren starts tearing up

"I really hope you will and you will be I promise you I won't let you die on me"

"Luke Do you actually mean it when you said you love me?"

Lauren stands in front of him

Luke nervously bites his lips this was only a deal they made not to catch or say words that slip out of their mouths, Luke somewhat meant it but he didn't want to show any more love attraction if this was real or just in his head.

The deal 😈L.H book 1Where stories live. Discover now