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Favorite crime x place in me

"Can you stop touching her? I don't need your help I no longer trust you!", a deep raspy voice says. "She will know more of a criminal you're then me!", a high pitch tone shouts back. "Yeah right she always says she doesn't miss me but she needs me, all the crimes we did together meant nothing to me I hope I was your favorite crime!", he spats back. Everything went quite. Saying that in front of her was wrong but it felt right?, for the longest time u had enough of this shit feeling used and bad of how others see me who I'm not, I feel empathetic but it's so pathetic to say out loud my mind.

He was tired of everything wished to start over to the day he saw Lauren

"Anything you want to key out your chest?", arzaylea hesitated. He looked at her more watery tears holding them back, "you seriously fucked up my mental health all my problems I had were always you, I felt advantage I can't sleep or eat because of you from overthinking!", he pleaded out crying. "Man up Lucas your life isn't over I mean look at her she can't solve your problems, you know why? Because she always can't do your job plus  I'm the only love you haven't screwed up cuz I still love you", arzaylea says. She puts her wine down of out of nowhere she sounds sweet and nice enthusiastically. In every toxicity relationships explanation were to be explained this is the definition of it, Luke still had a warm place for Lauren in his heart. "I know I'm never going to get a second chance but I would do anything to get that last chance but I fucked it up!", luke angrily says as it woken Lauren up.

The slam scared her, my eyes opens as i gasped quickly, "What the fuck let me go what is your problem luke what did I do to you?!", I say with rage in my eyes. "I can ask the same to him but he's just so desperate for you bae", arzaylea peeks a smirk. Blowing a kiss. I turn my head back to luke with an infuriating voice twitching her eyebrows. "Explain hemmings!", he acts if I'm dumb not knowing what I'm talking about. "I'm glad you woke up I actually have plans for us", he said softly. Did I hear that right?, plans?, who's us? There will never be an us again not this time after what happened. "Where's the others?, why the hell did you kidnap me?!", my voice couldn't be more loud then my heart beating fast. "Trust me they don't need to know", in his most calm voice he says without being scared of what he's doing, he's sick for doing this if only he uses his words and tell me what he wants. He then slowly un tights me that easy of getting out?, the first though that came to my mind is run like there's no tomorrow when he was done I made a run for it. It was easily until he grabbed my waist pulling me back to him as he put his hand to my mouth.

My mind races everywhere to what the fuck is going on? Why is he doing this to me??! He places his palm hand to my mouth so tight I wasn't able to even yell or say a word, then suddenly a car pulls up the driveway arzaylea peeks through the window she mumbled under her breath, "fuck!". I don't know who could be here but she pulls his wrist making him look at the window. "Shit SHIT!", luke shouts. He ran pulling me with him as he runs to the back of the house of the backyard he turns his engine car pushing me inside the back. "Dude what the hell is your problem who are we-", "LUKE DON'T YOU DARE RUN OFF AGAIN!", a familiar voice from behind came as Lauren turns seeing Ashton. Her eyes widened tears start to quickly go fast her eyes, "Ashton over here!", she cries out loud, the door swings open Calum carried her bride style hurrying her inside Ashton's car. "Ouch please be carful!", before Lauren could look up her hands were words then she saw them. "What the hell happen to your hands did luke do this to you?!", a furious Calum says making his face go red as ever. He ran running to luke as Lauren gasps knowing what was about to go down.

"No no please stop!", Lauren's voice cracked full with tears her eyeliner smeared down. Calum and luke stop on their tracks staring at each other outrageous of devil eyes, "Laurie no your more hurt then you already are. Please don't." Michael says hugging her, Lauren smiles weakly. I couldn't ask for more but a comfort hug, Ashton stood in the middle keeping the two of them apart from killing each other. "Please don't let them hurt each other I just want to go home please I beg you!", my voice winced. Arzaylea steps in getting luke by his arms as he accidentally nudges her to the floor making her hit her head to the concrete floor. Lauren ran to her all though she deeply hated her she still cares for people  even the ones that didn't care for her back she treated with kindness. "What is your problem?, are you some kind of bad guy now? Kidnapping me and did this to me?", Lauren's eyes fired flames and full apart tears. The guys stood dead silent Calum had enough at this point wanting to stop this chaos, his face was filled with stress and anger he wanted all this to stop.

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