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TIME SET:Present, 2023

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Present, 2023

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KEELA LOOKS INTO the tall mirror located beside her in her bedroom, a shaky breath exiting her mouth as she smooths out the dress that she's currently wearing. It's been years since the woman has dressed formally because she's had no reason to, and she's only doing this because Sam requested that she tags along while he talks to the government. She actually reckons the last time she got all dressed up is for a date with Bucky back before he became a soldier.

The two have become close ever since the loss of their friends, almost as if they're clinging onto one another in fear that they'll lose more people. Sam's afraid that Keela's mental health will spiral downhill even more than it already has. However, this means that he refuses to take her on work trips where he fights enemies just so that she can't risk facing PTSD and be the cause of a panic attack. Keela, on the other hand, is shocked at how he appears to be so strong on the outer side, amazed by how he's coping with Steve leaving and being one of the only Avengers left to protect the people. But maybe he's just good at hiding it.

A knocking sound is heard at the door and startles Keela slightly due to the sudden sound. She proceeds to pick up her handbag filled with necessities before exiting the bedroom and making her way to the front door. There, Sam can be found standing in the doorway after already pushing open the front door and inviting himself into the house with saying a single word.

"You ready to go?" Sam questions.

"Do I even have to?" Keela asks. "I mean, the government don't exactly like me so I feel like I shouldn't be going with you."

"It's good for you to get out the house, Keela." Sam states. "And you're not even wanted anymore, you've been pardoned."

"Doesn't mean their opinions on me can change." Keela argues. "You don't have to like someone to know that they aren't a killing machine anymore."

"Just shut up and get in the damn car." Sam instructs, receiving an eye roll in response.

The pair walk out of the house and down the stone pathway located in front of it. A comfortable silence has fallen over them both as they climb into the car, buckling themselves in and set off for their journey. Keela can feel her heart suddenly beginning to pick up it's pace as the silence grows unnerving to her, allowing thoughts to creep into her mind of how being around the government can go. She begins to pick at the nail polish she painted the night before to appear more professional, making it look chipped.

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