19 | scrambling for information

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THE FOUR ADULTS walk through the streets as they head towards the location where Flag Smashers can be found seeking refuge in the grand building. The whole area looks broken as people can be seen wandering around while trying to get some work down, heads kept down to avoid catching the gaze of others. The building looks like it's no longer being taken care of as it used to, even Zemo saying that it used to be more beautiful then it is now.

"I'm going to go upstairs and take a look around. Keela, you're coming with me." Sam informs, watching her nod before turning to the two. "You guys see what you can find out here. And keep an eye on him."

The pair then turn around and make their way up the stairs to see if they can find anyone to talk to. The hallways are unusually deserted from people with furniture randomly placed around outside the doors to different rooms, showing that they're planning on throwing it out.

"Excuse me?" Sam politely says as they walk into a room. "Have you heard of Donya Madani?"

"Um.. No. Sorry, no." A woman replies, voice quiet as she hurries out of the room.

"They're definitely a part of the Flag Smashers." Keela tells him, eyeing the red handprint on the box.

"Well, we know we're in the right place then." Sam replies.

They walk into multiple other rooms while trying to call out to the people inside. Each single person drop whatever they're doing and either hurry out of the room or go hide, refusing to talk to the pair. Keela and Sam don't mean any harm, but they can understand why they won't say anything for someone they looked up to has just passed away and an organisation like theirs need to keep secrets. However, entering one room with smaller children learning colours, the pair manage to get someone to talk to.

"Excuse me." Keela speaks up this time. "Do you know a swim an by the name of Donya Madani?"

"She was a refugee here." Sam adds.

"We're not refugees, we're internationally-displaced persons." The man corrects as he ushers the children out the room. "We have nothing to seek refuge from. And we don't trust outsiders."

"No, I understand." Sam replies. "I'm not from here, but I have a pretty good track record of helping out."

"I know what happens when people say they're going to help out. Nothing." The man tells him. "The Global Reparation Council promised to send more teachers and supplies. But that was six months ago, and we've received nothing."

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