5 | first mission as a trio

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THE THEEE SIT on the plane in complete and utter silence — and not a comfortable one either. Keela is seated beside Sam, which means that they're directly opposite from Bucky and the males have a clear shot to shoot one another flares of annoyance. She tries to steer herself clear from this, keeping her eyes locked down to her hands as she fiddles with her jacket nervously.

"One minute until drop off." Torres announces as he passes through where they're seated.

This causes Sam to finally rise from his seat, peeling his eyes away the other two as he maintains a blank facial expression. He walks over to some nearby boxes and beginning to pull gear out from the duffel bag he was carrying earlier.

"So what's the plan?" Bucky asks, receiving nothing in response and causing him to scoff. "Great, so no plan."

"Thirty seconds!" Torres shouts.

"Enjoy your ride, Buck." Sam says.

"No, you don't get to call me that." Bucky quickly tells him.

"Why not? That's what Steve called you, Keela too." Sam states.

"They've known me for longer, and Steve had a plan." Bucky fires back.

"Well, you and Keela don't seem to be close enough for her to be calling you that." Sam comments, holding back a smirk since deep down he knows of their relationship in the past.

"Hey, no, don't bring me into your stupid little argument." Keela says.

"She still knows me for longer." Bucky argues, ignoring what she just said.

"Fifteen seconds until drop!" Torres shouts again.

"I have a plan." Sam states.

"Are you not gonna tell us then?" Keela questions, raising a brow at him as she waits for an answer.

Her prediction is proven correct. Sam pulls down the goggles that were seated on top of his head so that they're now covering his eyes. He then leaps forwards and out of the door of the plane, entering the cold air and soaring through the wind as his mechanical wings extend out to save him.

"Torres, where's the parachute?" Keela asks.

"It's too low for a chute." Torres informs.

"We don't need one." Bucky states, glancing over at the girl as he captures her attention. "Do you trust me?"

"Yeah, of course." Keela replies, no hesitation in her answer as she locks eyes with him.

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