2 | hearing the blunt truth

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KEELA SETS DOWN her empty mug of coffee, swinging her jacket over her body to keep her warm from the cold chills creeping through the air. She glances over at a nearby mirror, placing her hands under her brown hair and pulling it out from where it got caught on the jacket then fixing the way it sits.

It's been tough for the woman recently. She's isolated herself from the rest of the world for what she calls "me time", only ever leaving if Sam drags her out the house. The only downside with having this time alone is that she's left to her thoughts most of the time, meaning that she will have flashbacks from her past and suffer from extreme panic attacks at times. Ever since the losses of loved ones, it's been a downward spiral for Keela and she can only hope she's able to pick herself back up.

Currently, Keela is soon ending off to be on her way to another therapy session. They happen quite frequently through tout the week due to how little she will talk about the truth in it, afraid of letting someone know how she's feeling and just needing some more time to figure things out for herself. Sam had actually been the one that suggested she goes to this therapist, understanding that she needs help and time to heal from the pain — same with Bucky.

The pinging of a text message coming through on a phone can be heard through the silent air, a small buzz of vibration against the marble counter being heard following it. She glances over at where it rests to see that it's another message that's been sent by Sam, him trying to check up on her and make sure that everything is okay after the little trip. This only causes her to scroll through old messages from conversations that's been shared with friends, an ache striking her heart as tears are then held back from being spilled.

Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, and Iron Man are three people that she lost from the war with Thanos. Many people lost more than that, but that doesn't mean she can't mourn any less than them. She's been through so much as a Winter Soldier and thought things were just becoming better once again, but they weren't. Keela can't help but think that maybe things just won't get any easier and this is the way her life is meant to be.

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The brunette sits on the brown couch that she's been seated on so many times at this point, leg bouncing up and down as anxiety riddles through her body. A pillow rests on her lap that she has her arms wrapped around, almost hugging it while racking her brains to figure out the right thing to say — notes are constantly being taken so she has to be careful. She used to have Bucky there to calm her when times got bad, someone she could fall back and rely on with her whole heart. But that's long gone, unfortunately.

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