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TIME SET:Past, 1943

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Past, 1943

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TWO SMITTEN ADULTS are currently laying on the rooftop of their house as they're usually found doing, his arms wrapped around her smaller frame as she snuggled into his chest. Their heads are tilted up at the night sky above them, stars displaced fairly in the darkness and providing natural light alongside the moon. The pair are star gazing as one of their final goodbyes, something that has always been their thing they do together.

Even to an outsider, Keela Blake and Bucky Barnes appear to be so in love. It's the way they act and speak with each other, always having to make physical contact somehow or throwing in the occasional flirtatious choice of words. They're the definition of lovers that are one another's best friend. To Steve, it's a shock that the two are really doing ahead with this plan of being apart for this long because they're practically inseparable.

Why are they being separated? Well, Bucky has become a Sergeant for the military and is going to be shipped out to England first thing tomorrow morning. This means that it could be months, possibly even years, before the couple can next see and hold one another in their arms. So, after having a failed double date with Steve at the Expo, they decided to disappear and have alone time together so that the night can be memorable.

The double date was failed because the emotions were running high in their air around them and filled with a mixture. Keela is upset to have to see Bucky go, yet she's also proud of him for going off and fighting for their country. She knows how strong he is and that he'll be okay, but there's also that dark feeling swirling in her stomach that makes her want to throw up at the mere thought. Steve, on the other hand, is angry that he keeps getting declined over and over again. He wants to fight alongside his best friend and prove to everyone that he's not this frail small man likes he's viewed as.

"What are you thinking about, Kee?" Bucky asks, glancing down at the girl in his arms as he uses the nickname only he calls her.

"You." Keela admits.

Bucky grins as he watched her flip around so that she's now laying on her stomach. Keela places her hands on his chest then rests her chin on top of that, staring up at him as they instantly lock eyes with one another. He reaches down and cups her face gently in her hands, the pad of his thumb brushing against her soft cheek as a way of giving affection.

"What about me?" Bucky asks, voice soft.

"Just that I've known you since we became teenagers and we've been dating for four years now." Keela truthfully replies.

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