28 | better advice than the therapist

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THE PAIR SLEEP peacefully with the blanket tangled around both of their bodies and provided them warmth through the chilly night. Keela's head rests comfortably on his chest as she snuggled into his side, while Bucky's right arm is wrapped around her waist to hold her close. To anyone that happens to be passing by, its evident that they look extremely relaxed while in the arms of one another.

The sons of Sarah (AJ and Cass) can be seen nearby as noises escape their mouths to replicate how they think a fight scene would go — judging from movies, that is. The Captain America shield has been pulled out from its beige bag and passed between them both to take it in turns to play with it. It's like they're trying to copy their Uncle Sam, looking up to him with pride that they're related.

However, the sounds they are making doesn't come out as hushed as they had assumed. This is most likely due to the fact that they got too distracted in their playful fight to realise their surroundings. This also awakes the two resting on the sofa bed nearby.

"Hey." Bucky greets, giving them a small wave.

"Put it back!" AJ hisses.

Cass swiftly shoves the shield back into the baggage they found it in before turning and running off down the hallway. AJ had attempted to help his younger brother but stopped himself at the sight of the shield slipping down the wall and hitting the ground, deciding its best to leave it. He too then disappears around the corner too. Neither of them had meant to wake the adults, nor do they want to intrude.

Keela rubs her eyes awake as a small yawn escapes her mouth. Bucky smiles as he pulls his gaze away from the two children and glances down at the brunette snuggled back into his side. The pair have always used to love the idea of starting a family together, often talking about it as they plan their future together. But that all slipped out of their grasp when they unwillingly parted ways and became Winter Soldiers.

"Morning." Bucky whispers.

"Morning. "Keela mumbles back, still half asleep and barely functioning.

Bucky leans down and presses a gentle kiss on top of her head. A smile spreads across her face at the small action, tilting her head up and kissing his jawline — not in a sexual way though. He only returns the smile as his arm tightens around her so that their bodies are closer, allowing him to hug her.

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