23 | the fight for the shield

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JOHN WALKER RAN. As soon as reality had hit him of what he had just done, he pushed his way through the crowd of civilians and took off in an urgent run. The man's heart was drumming against his rib cage at both the serum currently flowing through the blood being pumped around his body and at his emotions running as high as ever. He lost his best friend and he took someone's life for that.

Keela, as well as Bucky and Sam, had chased the blond down after catching sight of him trying to escape his problems. They find him standing in an abandoned building with the bloodied shield still gripped in his arms — no ones life has ever been taken with it, not until now.

"Stop, Walker." Sam demands.

"You guys saw what happened. You know what I had to do!" John exclaims. "I killed him because I had to. He killed Lemar!"

"He didn't kill Lemar." Keela states.

"Don't go down that road. Believe me, it doesn't end well." Bucky tells him.

"I'm not like you or her." John fires back.

"Listen, it was the heat of the battle. If you tell them what happened then they may consider your record." Sam explains. "We just don't want anyone else to get hurt, John. You've got to give me that shield."

"So that's what this is?" John questions with a loud scoff. "I have to admit, you almost got me."

"You made a mistake." Sam continues.

John shakes his head. "You don't want to do this."

"Yeah, we do." Bucky replies.

Not even a second passes of this challenge being made and John is already racing forwards where he then attempts to hit Bucky around the face with the shield. He manages to deflect it by raising his metal arm up as if it's his own shield, therefore stopping himself from being knocked out. Both Keela and Sam also run forwards and begin to throw multiple punches and kicks John's way in order to help.

The adults begin the fight that they knew was bound to happen at some point, especially by how they always acted towards one another and never got along. The three have to ensure the punches/kicks they are throwing towards John Walker are tactical and will do enough damage to start weakening him. While they're doing this, they're also trying to dodge ones made their repeatedly thrown their way.

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