30 | saving the hostages

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KEELA AND BUCKY sprint through the building and out into the parking lot just in time to see the last set of vans driving off. Headlights of the vehicles slice through the darkness as they speed around sharp corners without a single care. Hostages are trapped inside with fear racing through their blood as their hearts drum rapidly against their ribcages. None of them know why they have been dragged into this dangerous situation, only hoping they can be saved.

The brunet man scans their surroundings for anything that could be of use to catch up with the vans and save those innocent people. That's when his eyes fall onto the sight of a motorcycle nearby. Bucky rushes towards it and reaches forwards to see if he can get the engine working. He manages to, allowing it to rev loudly through the silence of the parking lot that they currently stand in.

"Hop on, love." Bucky says.

A smile splits across Keela's face before she swings her leg over the vehicle and takes a seat just behind him. Their bodies press against one another as her arms wrap tightly around her boyfriends torso in order to keep a stable grip and avoid falling — not even taking a moment of hesitation to question whether he can actually drive a motorbike or not.

Bucky drives them both along the smooth roads as the tires screech against the concrete with each sharp turn. Narrowed eyes are locked straight onto the dark vehicles straight ahead of them both. The aim is to intervene the Flag Smasher's path and stop them from arriving at their desired location. The hostages need to be saved from their grasp.

"One down." Sharon informs through the earpiece.

"How did you manage that?" Sam asks, curious.

"Mercury vapour, amongst other things." Sharon replies.

"The chopper's about to take off." Keela states as she glances up at one of the buildings they speed past.

"Bucky?" Sam questions, aiming to ask him to deal with it but leaving it unfinished.

"I don't fly, man. That's your thing." Bucky reminds.

Bucky then twists the handle of the motorbike and accelerates so that they're travelling even faster than before, aiming to catch up to them as quickly as they can. That's when Keela notices the road blockages up ahead of them that are made out of concrete. Just behind the objects are two more vans filled with civilians as Flag Smashers surround the vehicles.

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