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A week after my grand escape from the palace, I lived in hiding in the library attic. I learned that some commoners were against the Conglomerate's rash ideas, but were too afraid to alert them.

To sum it up, I was more or less a servant to cover up the royal family's mistakes. My ideas were used with no credit to me. The kingdom was flourishing, but no one knew it was I who made sure it did. I was the one who truly cared for the people, as the Conglomerate only cared for themselves. But when the engagement was called off, I ran away. Now the palace is in chaos, searching for me.

It's funny how people start caring the minute they vanish out of their lives.


When I went out one day, covered in grayish purple cloth, I found a crowd of people in the town square. I heard small rumors here and there but didn't know what exactly was happening.

"What's going on?" I asked a boy with brown hair. I was cautious to not look at him directly, because he could be a spy for the royal family.

"They're executing Lady (y/n)'s personal assistant," he answered, his eyes narrowing. My eyes widened. (f/n)?! Why?! She didn't even do anything wrong!

"Can I ask why?" I inquired after, trying to hide the tremble in my voice. He looked at me in concern, as I glanced down at the cobblestones under my feet.

"A search party for the Crown Prince's runaway queen went out, but when no one can find her, they questioned all of her family. However, all of them thought she was with the Conglomerate, so no one knew. The duchess of the three thought they were lying, and she was never wrong. This led them to be considered "traitors," and they were hanged together last Wednesday at dawn," he explained. I couldn't answer.

My family is dead. The conglomerate murdered them. My disappearance caused them to decease. "What about her personal assistant?"

"They interrogated her publicly ten minutes ago, and she answered no, and that she didn't know to all the questions. Look closely, and you'll see," the boy said, pointing discreetly. We walked forward through the crowd, and I was shocked by what I saw.

It truly was (f/n), and she was dressed in plain white rags, showing she was a prisoner. Her fingers were all mutilated, and blood dripped below her. Tears continuously streamed down her face, as her hair was no longer the friendly color I remembered. They tortured her.

Her hands were bound with a piece of thick rope, so she couldn't run. By now, I could recognize her loud screams that echoed in the courtyard. She truly was in agony. Was that what my father and sister felt too?

"Last chance, (f/n)," the executioner said. He was none other than Marquess Norman himself. His voice was the same cold, icy tone I knew. "Do you know where Lady (y/n), the rejected queen of Asteria is located?"

Her answer surprised me.

"No, I told you countless times. I don't know. My lady used to always send me letters when she lived with the royal family. But one day, the messages stopped coming. And when I saw her publicly, dining with you, she never smiled. I knew something was wrong with her," she stated. "I knew something was wrong with my lady, that had to do with the Asterion Conglomerate."

"Pity," the marquess said, smiling evilly. "You're only a mere commoner, so what do you know?"

"Now, I may not know where my lady has gone, but even if I did, I would never tell a criminal bastard like you!" she shouted. (f/n) must have struck a nerve, because almost immediately, Marquess Norman slit her throat and killed her.

My mouth opened and then closed. Why was no one saying anything? Was this how much power they held over the kingdom?

(f/n) was too kind. She was my first and my only friend. She made sure I was eating, and always told me stories of her travels. She went with me everywhere, but it all stopped with my position as the future queen. (f/n)'s letters kept me going, even when I was stripped of my title. She pledged her loyalty on her first day of working with me, and never gave out.

"Be quiet," the boy I talked to said. I forgot he was still next to me. "Don't say a word, or you'll be next too."

I didn't, and I knew it was best to not cry. Everyone I loved was gone, because of me.

I turned to him, and quickly realized my mistake. His jaw dropped, and I knew he recognized me.

"Please, don't say anything. I'm begging you," I pleaded quietly. We both walked out of the town square, and I didn't stop the tears coming down my face.

"My queen, you have my word," the boy answered nobly. "The nearest ferry is leaving this morning, so you can make it. If you need anything, I'm here. Call me Don."

"Thank you, Don," I answered gratefully. "Thank you so much."

I left the premises and was able to barter a ticket at the stands with a couple of gold coins. I went on with the ferry and made a silent wish that no one else would die because of me.

This stops at Ravaryn City, a nearby trading center for overseas merchants. It was a diverse area, and (f/n) told me she loved going there. She said she had a couple of friends who were real ones, so I thought about visiting them.

Ravaryn City was the closest place to Ellesmere, the rivaling kingdom of Asteria. They were at war with them for about three years now, with no hope of a peace treaty.

I had a dream to be someone of high status and to change the world, with how everyone thought.

Ellesmere was not that different. However, there was a unique saying there that was not applied to everyone else:

Everyone starts as nothing. But as people grow, we learn to laugh, cry, dodge bullets, and heal from our scars. Everyone in this world was commenced without anything to hold onto. Even kings and queens. For no matter where they came from, they all began as pawns.

I was going to become the empress of Ellesmere, and no one is going to stop me.

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