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(y/n)'s pov


As much as I didn't like him, he didn't deserve this. No one should.

"What do you mean by dies?" I asked, trying to keep my composure. The thing is, if I had to witness with my own eyes his passing, then that was too much for me.

"Well, we haven't decided yet, but moreover with planning on making it seem like we're trying to kill him," Oliver said. "The Ellesmere regiment isn't murderers, you know."

"Yes, haven't you seen our blades?" Sonya added. She showed hers up for all to see. That was right; the words "PROTECT" were inscribed right above the hilt. "So you don't need to worry. We don't kill just because we can, we only draw our swords if the time really needs it."

That reassured me a little until Mr. Lucas explained the rest of the plan.

"So, we've sent a spy to Asteria two months ago, who has given us secret messages by mail. They learned that the Spring Festival is also the same day as the prince's coronation. He is of age, so I suspect he will choose a bride soon," he stated. "We're going to be disguised as nobles, who just want to have a good time. The plan will be divided into three phases."

I nodded along, trying my best to remember as they described what was going to happen.

Phase 1: Infiltrating the event. Gilda will be in charge of this portion, with the help of her mana. As we enter the party, our supposed "spy" will be waiting for us. We would discuss the affairs with them and wait for the right moment to strike.

Phase 2: The ambush. Paula has the best chance of making the perfect shot, so she's a crucial part here. This will initiate the next step.

Phase 3: Capture. Easier said than done, of course.

"That seems reasonable," I answered. I had no idea what I was diving into, but at least I hoped I was alive after this weekend.

"Splendid," Oliver replied. "Well, that concludes this meeting. Good luck."

Timeskip to Saturday. (Morning)

Author's pov

Her Majesty Isabella was the queen. She was an exceptional leader, serving as regent when her husband, the king, died. Now that her son was ready, his coronation was today.

She sat down, wrinkles crossing her forehead. This wasn't what was planned. It wasn't that the crown prince was stupid, it was just that he was lonely. And loneliness can lead to madness.

Isabella feared that the loss of her son's love was going to kill him.

She forgot the last time she laughed and danced, like life was leaving her slowly. She knew she was going to die soon, and that gradually, heartbreak over losing everyone was going to eat her from the inside. The queen stood up from the dining table and walked to where her son got ready.

"Ray, may I have a word?" she asked gently, outside his door. "It's your mother speaking."

In a few moments, he opened the door, greeting her. Isabella could stencil the melancholy in his face, as he wore deep purple cloth and the crest of Asteria.

"Hello, Mom," he answered inaudibly. Isabella didn't reply for a few seconds, as if she was composing her thoughts. She placed a warm hand on his cheek tenderly and smiled.

"My son, please," she pleaded, her eyes tearing up. "Don't lose yourself. Power is dangerous, and it can take control over you, so much that you can no longer recognize who you are."

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