
550 29 37

TW: blood

(y/n)'s pov

Ray pointed the tip of his sword at my heart, as I stood there in confusion.

How did he recognize me? Did the concealment spell wear off? Gilda did say that sometimes perceptive children and elders were immune, but it wasn't like he was a seven-year-old or a retired man. I'll ask her about it later. What I needed to work on now was forcing his hand.

"It has been, I almost forgot what you look like," I answered calmly, while I was mentally panicking inside. I was staring at the face of danger, the very same person who ruined my life.

That same surge of anger rushed through me, washing over my nerves like a pond ripple.

"I myself almost failed to recall that you were Ellesmere's heir to the throne," he said, putting down his sword. Even if it was dawn, he didn't look the least tired. "That's why we were betrothed, right? To create a steady partnership."

"You agreed to always be my side if I married you," I replied. I gripped the hilt of my sword tightly. My voice dropped to a whisper. "And you lied."

"We were kids, (y/n)!" he responded, the volume change catching me off guard. He waved his sword in the air, and I noticed that he was using the imperial heirloom. I never would have guessed that the first time I would see it unsheathed, was when I was going against the Crown Prince himself.

"So? If you're so honorable, you could've at least kept your promise!" I retorted. "Instead of helping me, you killed (f/n), my family, the child prince of Ellesmere, Oliver..., how many innocent people did you kill?!"

"In my defense, I never was the one who took their life," he said matter-of-factly. His tone made me want to throw him off the balcony. "Either it was Norman and Emma, or the regiment."

"You were still the one who ordered them to do it," I argued. "If you wanted me back so bad, you could have at least asked politely instead of literally assaulting me!"

"I have an explanation for that, you just won't listen," he replied, gesturing with his hands. This was already Phase 3, to capture the prince and force him to give up.

"How do you expect me to believe whatever you say?" I asked. "I witnessed what nightly activities you were doing with your friends. It's not like you can have a valid rationale for that."

"Besides that, did you really have to execute my family? Was that really necessary?" I wondered. "To think they died for no reason, and did nothing wrong."

"Look, I'm sorry, but please, (y/n), just listen," Ray answered. "I can explain everything."

"You're just sorry? First, you started a war with Ellesmere by attacking their spice trade routes. Then, you neglect me when we were engaged. What other mistresses did you have while I was away?!" I listed. I sounded hysterical, but I didn't care. "Next, you killed everyone I cherished. After, you poisoned a child, because you thought it would benefit your side. Not only that, but you even ordered the death of one of my friends just a few minutes ago."

He went quiet, having no response. I didn't say anything as well.

Seconds or minutes must have passed before he spoke up.

"We can settle this fairly. Let's duel, and whoever lets go of their sword first is at a loss," he said. There was no gleam in his eyes as he talked. "If I win, you'll have to listen to my explanation. But if you win, I'll surrender and we can end the war."

"So it'll be heir against heir, huh?" I inquired. "One fight, to win the crown."

Ray didn't answer until he slashed forward with his sword. I quickly blocked his attack, but the force of his blade pushed me back. I almost fell, but I was able to stand still and regain my footing.

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