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(y/n)'s pov



I looked up in confusion toward the king in front of me. To be honest, he didn't really look like a king. He was definitely higher in status than the townspeople but only wore the clothes of a baron.

He didn't have any resemblance to the king at all, besides his eyes of course. They were like millenium-old glaciers, cold and lively at the same time.

Everyone in the courthouse straightened up, and I could hear the rumors of the jury. The shock on Gillians face receded a little, but there was still surprise in her expression.

"Uh, if I may," I started quietly. The last few seconds clearly shook the whole atmosphere, and it was almost like the citizens of Ellesmere knew more about me than I knew myself. "What do you mean I'm the Crown Princess?"

"(y/n), have you ever heard about the oracle of Therondia?" Sir Yuugo asked. He seemed concerned, as I shook my head slowly.

"No, but that used to be my old crest," I explained. "I used to be a lady from there."

Lucas took a deep breath and silently asked the king something. He nodded in response. Gilda fidgeted with a loose thread on her cloak, not meeting the eyes of the jury.

"King Minerva, or better known as James, traveled to Asteria on a business trip. He was of proper age and needed to find a consort. Traditionally, the heir would marry someone within their kingdom, to strengthen it," he said. He seemed uncomfortable talking about the king's story while he was right next to him.

"But while he was in Asteria, he met a woman of the house of Therondia. Your mother. James fell in love with her, and she loved him as well. She knew about his status, and so their relationship remained a secret. No one in her family knew about it, and when he arrived back here, everyone went into conflict. But it was all resolved when she then birthed a baby girl, you," Lucas added.

My eyes widened. Did my mom have an affair with someone?!

"No, they did not have an affair," Sir Yuugo said. Can he read my mind?! I thought. "Back to the story, your mother knew that Asteria wouldn't accept a half Ellesmerean, with all the chaos happening with them. So, James sent his brother, Peter, to take care of you and your mother for the time being."

Peter? That's my father's name! I thought. So, he was actually sent to Asteria to take care of me instead.

"My own niece, (f/n), also came to work with you when you became seven. I believe Gillian's friend Monica also posed as your younger sister. You took your mother's last name, going by (y/n) (l/n). But it all fell apart when a year later, some Asterian assassins took your mother into custody, because of her relevance with Ellesmere, which eventually became an entire massacre. For treason, I believe. I suppose you injured your head, because you never remembered what happened during her disappearance," Lucas then said.

"My memory was a little fuzzy when I was younger," I admitted. "But how did I not realize?"

"Your family kept your status as a secret because we didn't want the Conglomerate to kill you," Gillian explained. "Then two years after your mother's case, an oracle went out that the High Court interpreted. It stated that the king's beloved daughter would return. Only the king knew what you looked like, which was why we didn't recognize you. We didn't even know your name, just about your legend."

"Then how does manipulating light have to do with being the Crown Princess?" I inquired. I had millions of questions, and I didn't even know how to ask them all. The fact that I was half-blooded, and my mom's situation had to do with Asterian hunters. My whole life was a lie! 

"Only the rightful heirs to the throne could work with light," Sir Yuugo answered. "James could, but the late Prince Phil was unable to. He was your half-sibling, and next in line after you."

"I see," I said. "So if I only the true successors could manage light, then only the royal family of Asteria can manipulate darkness."

That doesn't help either way. The culprit of killing the prince had to be very informed to create such an elaborate plan. Gillian stated before that it was poison was mixed into his morning juice. If wisteria was the supposed nectar used during the crime, then it had to be paired with something that paired with it flavor-wise.

I came across a wild theory. White grape juice was what he drank at the time of death. It went well with flowers, so it made sense. But the only question was, what exactly would one achieve in murdering the prince?

I distracted my thoughts by listening back to the conversation.

"Yes, the tri-kingdom is built up upon the elements of light, darkness, and earth," King Minerva himself replied. "We can control light. Asterian royals can control darkness, and Nethilorian nobles can control earth."

I nodded again. I felt like I can understand, but at the same time, this was so much information to absorb. My father was actually my uncle, my mom was involved with the king of another country, my sister is not even blood-related, and (f/n) was a noble herself!

"In fact where are they?" Lucas wondered. "Where are Peter, Monica, and (f/n), I mean?"

I sat in silence. I didn't know if I could answer this, now knowing they were part of their families. I took a deep breath, and replied.

"T-They're gone. They were all killed for betraying the royal family of Asteria, because they didn't know where they went. But now I know why they refused to speak." I answered, trying to keep my voice steady. Gillian immediately hid her face in her scarf, and excused herself to the backroom. Sir Yuugo's face fell, and he covered it. The king kept a straight face, but some wrinkles appeared on his forehead.

"I wish I could prevent it. I'm so, so sorry," I whispered. Sir Yuugo shook his head, as Lucas patted his back.

"You're alright. I just hope that they didn't die in vain," he answered, smiling sadly. "I remember telling (f/n) about you when she was six, and Monica was one of the bravest people I knew. Peter, too."

"Yes, I understand," I responded. At this point, I had no idea what to say. Gillian returned, her face composed as ever, her eyes a little red. The courthouse was so still you could hear a feather drop.

"Other than that," King Minerva said seriously. "The case is closed. (y/n), my daughter has returned, and that is that. She not only proved her innocence but her status as Crown Princess."

The last thing I heard before everyone parted ways were the words, "Meeting adjourned."

I could hear whispers and quiet breaths about my sudden arrival. I expected that the whole kingdom probably already figured out right now, that the true heir was alive and well.

Gilda and I exited the courtroom, she seemed to still be in shock. Her face was pale, and her eyes were empty. I asked her if she was okay, and she shook her head.

"I'm still so surprised about you," she answered. "There are so many things I don't know, it's like we're in a fairytale."

I laughed and replied. "Yeah, one that involves countless death and passing."

She was about to respond when a valet said my name. I recognized him as one of the townspeople I saw this morning. He wore a small crest, that showed two embroidered goldfish jumping over a lake. Then he turned around and he asked if he could escort me somewhere. I looked at Gilda and she nodded.

"I'll be waiting near the market," she said before I left. I turned away, and I was sent back inside the courtroom.

"His Majesty, the King wants you to meet a few people," he said without turning around. We went out of the empty room and into a series of hallways. I realized we were now inside imperial walls when we stopped outside a wooden door.

The valet opened it and closed the door as I walked in. In front of me were ten men and women sitting around a round table. They are all varied in height and size and had different hairstyles.

A boy stood up, and he had disheveled white hair, with a single red streak. He smiled and said,

"Welcome to Court of Paladin. We'll be more than glad to teach you."

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