Chapter Six

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Two Week Later

Samantha made her way to Harlem, a content and worry-free look on her face. Her mind was far from either. 

She had received a letter from the leader of Harlem, Ryder, who had practically begged for a meeting with her. Samantha knew two of Ryder' newsies, the only girl newsies in Harlem. 

She was beyond confused and slightly alarmed that the leader had made contact with her, but with the content of the letter, she had no choice but to comply to his wishes of setting up a meeting. 

So there she was, strolling through New York in the middle of the day. 

It had been a crazy week. She had been overjoyed that the Refuge had been shut down, and that Snyder had been put in jail, but it was too good to be true. Snyder had been released a day after he had been locked up with no explanation. She tried to find him, but he seemed to completely drop off the planet. Until he kidnapped Cassandra Higgins. It had been a disaster. The Manhattan Newsies had gone crazy trying to find her which ended in them being attacked. Samantha had tried everything to find out where these people were coming from and where Snyder had taken Cassandra. With the help of Peter and a couple other people, they managed to locate the girl and get her out of there at the expense of Peter. He got out a few days after Cassandra, but in a horrible condition. 

She hadn't slept in days and was needing a break. She would never admit it, but the only thing she wanted was to talk to Jojo. But she pushed forward, doing the only thing she knew how to do: fight. 

She finally reached the arranged meeting place, and frowned to find it vacant. 

"Ya 'ave two minutes Ryder," she muttered as she settled herself on top of a crate, her chin resting in her hands. She had stuffed her black hair into a newsie cap that Peter had given her before she left to make sure that she wasn't recognized, and she was in the middle of contemplating keeping it before two girls rushed up to her. 

"Ruth, thank goodness yous here." Samantha glanced up at the two girls and immediately recognized them as Fall and Bria, Harlem's girl newsies. 

"Is thought I was meeting Ryder." 

"Who told you dat?" Fall questioned.

"The letter." When neither girl gave any sign of recognition, she let out a sigh. "Dat don't matter. Why am I 'ere?"

"Dere's been a situation," Bria stated as she adjusted her newsie cap. 

"Another?" Samantha muttered. "What happened?"

"Two Harlem newsies and three Queens newsies were meetin' on da Bridge ta talk 'bout-" Fall paused. "I don't actually know what dey were meeting about, but dat's not relevant. Dey were attacked. The Queens newsies were able ta get help, but our newsies suffered pretty bad. Ryder was one of 'em."

"Attacked by who?"

"That's the issue. Wes have no clue. No one saw their faces. We ain't even sure if dey were male or female."

"How do ya miss that?" Fall shrugged.

"Dere were three of them," Bria added.

"Three people took down three newsies and two leaders?"

"They had guns. Ryder was shot. Doc doesn't know if he'll make it," Fall stated, a warning entering her voice. "These were three professionally trained people taking on five teenagers who live off pennies."

"Why didja call me though?"

"Because dey mentioned the Refuge." Samantha raised an eyebrow.

"And?" The girl grunted.

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