Chapter Eighteen

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Warning: death, shooting, and blood. 

Song: Always Be 2.0 by Caleb Hearn

*Listen to the song after reading the chapter*

Two Hours Earlier

"Quite the nuisance you've become, Daughter."

Samantha glared her harshest glare, willing the man before her to drop dead where he stood with all her might, but to her utmost disappointment, the man just grinned back at her. 

Peter took a protective step ahead of her, but she grabbed his arm and yanked him back to where he had been, her eyes never leaving her father. 

"What're you doing 'ere?" She seethed. 

"This is my building."

Samantha scoffed. "You'se say it as though you'se take pride in dat. The government had this building removed from your possession. It belongs to no one."

"Those rules were always so useless," Snyder said slicing a hand through the air. 

"Like da one dat had ya locked in prison? I'd like ta know how you got yaself out a dat one."

"You would, wouldn't you?" A frown settled in place on his hideous face, making clear where the years worth of wrinkles had come from. 

"More 'portantly I'd like ta know why you'se 'ere."

"To give you the answers you so desperately desire."

"And what makes you'se think I'd believe a liar like you?"

"Please Samantha, I may be a criminal and a thief but I'm no liar."

"Oh good fa you! Would ya like some public recognition fa dat incredible feat? I'se sure we can 'ave somethin' arranged. A public execution wouldn't be a bad idea, Peter?" She heard him cough and caught his hidden meaning, glancing behind her father to see two figures standing just outside the doorway. Peter was right, she would have to watch herself.

"As pleasant as I'm sure you'd find that, it wouldn't solve nearly as many problems as you think it would."

"Ya said you're 'ere ta give me answers. How'd you'se know I was gonna be 'ere?"

"I'll give you the answers I want to give you. But I would have thought that one would have been simple enough for my daughter to figure out."

"Stop calling me dat," Samantha spat.

"I call it as it is," he retorted. "You want answers. So ask away."

"Why're you'se killin' da newsies?"

"Questions I answer must only be questions I have answers to."

Samantha rolled her eyes. Liar, she thought. "What is da Second Refuge fa?"

The man had the audacity to give a deafening, repulsing laugh. "So that's what you've taken to calling my project. All good things, I assure you."

Samantha wanted to throttle Snyder. When had he ever acted like this? She wracked her brain, scanning it for memories before landing on the ones she had been searching out. Right before Mother had died. Right before the governor had come to the Refuge. And right before Jack had been captured. He was nearing a victory, but try as she might, Samantha couldn't piece together what it was. 

 "What exactly is it fa?"

"Daughter, stop asking questions that you do not what to know the answers to."

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