Chapter 1

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Harry Potter: The Boy Who Lived, The Dark Lord Voldemort's downfall, Gryffindor's Golden Boy, One of Hogwarts Kings, just like his father. Harry Potter was known as all these things, but that wasn't who he was. Yes, he was known as the boy who lived, but his mother had saved him. Voldemort's downfall? Again, his mother's doing. Golden boy? Far from it. Harry Potter was callous, sadistic, insane. He hid it well, of course. if the wizarding world knew they would lose their minds.

The Potter family was notoriously gray wizards. Not the light ones the Order of the Phoenix would have you believe they were. They had no side during the war. It's still not entirely sure why Voldemort went after them that night. Dumbledore had fabricated Harry's tale, He was no chosen one. His parents did not thrice defy the dark lord, and he had no special power. Unless you count the fact that he was nearly impossible to kill. That wasn't a mark of the prophecy, though. The Potters were hard to kill. They always had been. No poison could kill them, no venom, they didn't get ill, and they were invulnerable to most killing curses, except of course Avada Kadavra. Because of this, the Potters found joy in their partial invulnerability. They drank and ate what would kill most. They would test their limits, taking part in stunts that would kill most humans.

James was where the potter line changed. James did everything the rest of his family did he drank venom, ate poison, and tested his limits. One day, while throwing daggers, he hit someone. Later, it was found that this was a dark wizard who wanted his family rare ability. At only seven, James was hailed as a hero for the act. He found that he had rather enjoyed the act. He enjoyed the screams and the pain. He was drunk on the feeling. He killed a few other people but found he only enjoyed it when they were bad people. Good and neutral people didn't give him that same intoxicated feeling. He fell in love with Lily Evans she wasn't invulnerable, but she was more than willing to push herself to see how far she could go before she died. She practiced dark magic, and it stained her person, and she didn't care. Later, they both fell in love with a woman named Andrea Daring, who was a prodigy when it came to blood rituals and runes. She was able to make herself tolerate poisons. They were all killers, all insane, all-in love.

Apparently, insanity is inherited. Harry ended up just like all three of his parents.


Harry sat in the back of the Dursley rental car as they drove him to camp Chippewa. They had found the camp in the states in Wisconsin that was supposed to be super strict and make him normal They really just wanted to get rid of him for the summer, but if they could stomp the magic out of him in the process, why not. He didn't really mind he hated them as much as they hated him, and it was unlikely that muggles could break him. If Dumbledore hadn't done it yet, there was no way some perky camp could.

He reached over and grabbed Dudley's hand as he tried to reach into Harry's pocket. He dug his nails into him. The look in the boys malignant eyes forced him to be quiet until he drew blood.

You would think by now after everything that made him ill, he would have learned to stop reaching for anything Harry ate, but no. Normally Harry would love to watch Dudley to grab what was in his pocket thinking it was candy and down it quickly, but then, knowing how Dudley is with 'candy', he would be out of any for himself. It would also risk his aunt and uncle finding everything else he had stashed on him.

He growled, looking at the camp it was all sunshine and rainbows. It was nauseating. The moment Harry stepped out of the car, he gagged as he was hit with the scent of fresh pine. His uncle dropped his bags at the 14-year-old's feet. "Stay here while we sign you in, boy!" His uncle said in a stern voice. Harry was itching to pull out his wand and perform the fatal curse that killed his parents on his uncle, but he restrained himself.

He rolled his eyes as his aunt and uncle walked away, Dudley stayed locked in the car, trying to keep away from his cousin and nurse his still bleeding arm. He had been scared of Harry since he started Hogwarts and tried to keep away from him as much as possible. He pulled out what looked like a little medication bottle from his pocket and shook out a couple of cyanide capsules. He locked eyes with a girl not too far away dressed in all black drinking from a little bottle with a skull and crossbones on it. He kept his eyes locked on her as he downed the capsules.

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