Chapter 5

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The Addams family reminded Harry and Hermione of their own family back home, thrown together, dysfunctional and more than a bit mad. The manor itself was the epitome of a Halloween horror house and they loved it. The floorboards creaked, there were spider webs on the chandelier, and the whole house was dimly lit.

Debbie, the bride to be stuck out like a sore thumb in the sea of black white and dark blues. She was blonde and dressed in pastels before the wedding which made both Potter kids wince, Hermione even put on sunglasses at sight.

Grandma Frump managed to make the most undesirable looking things edible, Harry and Hermione surprised the Addams by understanding cousin it and his Baby boy What who was in a coffin shaped stroller that Harry adored. Morticia adored the two back at camp but now that she could see them as they normally were turned up to 10, just undeniably themselves, she saw them as if they were already her own. She would have adopted them had Pugsley and Wednesday not been tripping themselves over the two.

The two had previously held a conversation with Debbie trying to figure out why she looked familiar. She didn't like them very much she called them noisy and creepy, which they didn't deny. An hour before they had to get ready the four were up in Wednesdays room. Hermione was admiring her collection of headless dolls, particularly the one she had named Marie-Antoinette and Pugsley was helping Harry touch up his black nail polish. There was a knock on the door, "Enter." Wednesday muttered.

"Harry, Hermione!" Gomez exclaimed jovially as he entered, "I apologize for not coming to greet you earlier, I had some set up to do."

"That's quite alright Mr. Addams," Hermione said shaking his hand giving Harry time to quickly use a wordless nonverbal drying spell on his nails so he could shake the eccentric man's hand as well.

"I see you children have grown quite close."

"Harry is my boyfriend now," Wednesday deadpanned. Harry raised an eyebrow he did not remember having this conversation but shrugging and accepting it.

"Good lad! How wonderful, I hope all turns out well." Unlike most father who would be applaud at the mere thought of their fourteen-year-old daughter with a boyfriend Gomez just seemed to be delighted. Maybe it had something to do with who Harry was or maybe Gomez was just a kind father who loved everyone.

Hermione giggled one of her insane giggles drawing Pugsley's undivided attention to her, "I'm sure it will, my brother is quite difficult to kill."

This was only proven to Gomez when Wednesday tried to catch him off guard, aiming her wand at his back only for Harry to whip around in no time at all disarm her with one hand and pointed his wand at her neck. Gomez gave a supportive laugh. He would be a wonderful edition to their family one day. He talked with the children for a little longer noticing Pugsley sneak glances at Hermione. Then told the children they should start getting ready and left.


Once they were ready, they all walked down to the back graveyard together escorting Pugsley and Wednesday so their aunt Margret who was preparing the two as stone girl and ring bearer.

Row after row of Addams from near and far all settled in, in dreadfully morbid outfits, like they were at a funeral rather than a wedding. Lerch played a beautiful depressing piece on the organ. Harry watched with a dreamy gaze as Wednesday walked down the aisle dropping stone after stone. Hermione watching in awe as Pugsley walked down with Thing, a disembodied, hand resting on a pillow holding the rings.

As Harry's eyes drew to the bride he once again felt as if he knew her from somewhere, He listened to Fester sputter out his undying love for Debbie only for her to answer with 'Ditto'.

Hermione made a mental note look up Debbie's full name. "You're going to have a wonderful life together." Gomez said as their car pulled up with not only cans attached to the back but a dead man. Fester opened the door for Debbie.

"Yes, I am," she tried to get into the car only for Fester to stop her.

"Come, darling, let's see who's the next happy bride."

She rolled her eyes but did so just as Hermione remembered, "Black widow!" She whispers shouted in shock.

"Huh?" Wednesday turned to her only for the bouquet to forcefully fall into her arms.

Hermione momentarily forgot about her initial concern for a new one, "now you have to get married."

"It's not binding?" Wednesday stated in shaky shock.

"Tramp" a relative commented.

"Should I prepare a ring?" Harry teased only for a glare and eye roll to be thrown at him from his new self-proclaimed girlfriend.

Wednesday threw the bouquet over her shoulder and turned back to Hermione, "What were you saying?"

"She's the back widow, known for killing her rich husbands and taking their money. Fester must be her next victim."

Wednesday's eyes grew wide, Harry ever the calm psychopathy offered up a solution, "I think it's time we let Sirius and Remus out of their cage, after all who doesn't love a tizzy with a werewolf," the boy giggled like he was insane.

Morticia and Gomez heard this, "Oh it would be quite fun." The Addams mother offered up, "But I must ask, who are Sirius and Remus?"

"Our family, the only real guardians we have," Hermione supplied. she hated her parents and Remus and Sirius loved her seeing as she loved Harry as a brother. "Sirius is a mass murderer convicted of killing thirteen muggles, one wizard, is an illegal animangus and is the first man to ever stay sane in Azkaban and break out."

"And Remus is my honorary uncle, a werewolf who has assisted, Sirius, my godfather, in hiding from the ministry."

"Oh, you have such a wonderful family."

"That's just the tip of it" Hermione smiled proudly, "we don't have any real family of our own at least by blood that we accept, I mean look at where they sent us against our wills. But we have them and quite a few friends we consider family."

Pugsley understood that they were helping the two cover and nodded, "I'm most interested in the ones who enjoy colorful torture."

"Ah the twins are a trip," Harry grins, "you'll love them Shrike" Harry said Kissing Wednesdays hand. "They come up with the most wonderfully violent ideas."

"Oh, I'm sure I will but I'm most interested in, in the one with the affinity for deadly plants. I want to see what I can stomach." Morticia and Gomez smiled at the children, who had so clearly found love, luckily so young. It was just wonderful.

Published: Jul 31, 2021
Updated: May 15, 2023

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